Stocks discussion No. 8 - 2018
You must stop loss when your loss is still small.

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market looking healthy with the foreighners buying in for a few days in a row,lets see ,)
"market looking healthy with the foreigners buying in for a few days in a row,lets see ,)"
It is a good sign.At same time Institutional (Thai) investors sell.
But until now most 2Q com. are better than before,but still not good enough.
the institutional investors have to sell to keep the foreighners in the market ,)
thats how markets work:) everyone cant buy at the same time for sure,) if foreighmers buy again tommorrow,then i will say its a very healthy market, let see ,)
So You think that Turkey and sharp loses today on many asian markets will not affect SET?
It is good that is holiday today on SET,so maybe things start to change now.
i didnt see too much affect ,)???
I did see SVI sky rocket though ,),)
you would be a stupid person to sell right now ,)
Sell what?I am doing well now selling stock with bad numbers fast(only about 5-6% portfolio until now) and buy more stock which have good numbers(add them to my portfolio) and future.In general I avoid stocks like SVI ,so I can not sell something I do not have or want in my portfolio.
why are you taking a dig at me borislav ? we all have the right to advise tip and post ???
SVI has earned me more cash than any other stock ,now close to
double figures on this one = the times i have bought and sold it. That was one of my tips and ime proud to have posted it and this time i wont be selling for a long time to come as its a very solid stock,so if you want to avoid winners,then that is soley your choice ,)
my posts are not directly aimed at anybody,just posting what i feel and what i am doing ,)
Sorry,I was thinking that your post was aim to me directly.
not at all :) i think this market is looking good and yet another nice rise for SVI.)
MKT maybe down but look closer in my oppinnion its looking GOOD ,)
Foreigners sell today again?Big plunge today!Cina even much more drop!What is going on?
actually foreighners bought slightly more than they sold and the institutions sold to keep them in the game ,)
i dont see anything to be alarmed about as this is normal for this time of year ,)
my mistake,yesterday the foreighners did sell more but the institutions did also.
I am very bullish of the SET and most of my stocks have little effect by trade wars or Turkey etc.)
Yes,and today foreigners sold much more than yesterday,but OK.
I am doing well now on SET,but it is obvious that foreigners sold out stocks again many days in a row(only few days snap).
mine are doing well too,ie ESSO,SVI,STA,QH,SVI-W3 are the biggest leaders of the pack.
Gold , i am buying it by the 1 baht weights, on all the dips as the tracker fund i used GLD was useless, so i cashed in and thats the best move i did this year as Gold has dropped and i got my money back at 1.89 when i sold ,)still waiting til after the middle of next month and more for LPH to bear fruit , after the management have done all there 4 per cent buying spree ,) then watch it ,)
LPH look interesting for me too,but still just following .I try now more to be in stocks without much "farangs"!
SET is looking very good at the moment. Expect more surges upward with the current trend. Right now still low points.
Did You notice that foreigners sell off every day last 2 weeks in a row?
and believe me, the SET wont go up without the foreighners on board,so a correction is a coming soon,just hope its short and sweet :)
nice 40 per cent up on SVI in only a few weeks,5 days in a row up but if goes 7 then for sure i sell on the morning of the 8th day with the intent to buy back cheaper ,)ime in at 4.16
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