Stocks discussion No. 11 - 2017
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SET is pretty volatile now with big volume,so we can find some less risk options ,like some REITS or PF with some "story",like SSTSS,TGROWTH,TFUND,TLOGIS,CTARAF,UNIPF.SBPF.
Some PF will change to REIT .Some will be liquidate(UNIPF),some will get nice 30 year new lease contract (CTARAF),SBPF SEARCH for a new owner and to be liquidate too.So,all REITS and PF are less than NAV now,so can get nice profit.And have dividend and capital reduction every 3 month or so.
Just bought back the AQUA at 0.68 I sold at 0.75 last month. My prediction is a very bullish Q3 earning report for AQUA primarily from a recovery in EPCOs income contribution. I think we will see a positive uptrend these next 6 months for AQUA, but must be patient.
I do own a few REITS/property funds, but none of the ones you mentioned. Because these report monthly NAVS and quarterly dividends, I get an eagle's eye view on these. I don't tolerate negative growths or dividends, minimum 5-10% growth per year to cover inflation.
CTARAF, last time I checked, for many months they had problems finding a new hotel group to lease the land/property. Nobody wants it. The previous renter had problems paying to the fund, and they have arranged 2-3times to attract new renters, but failed. There were 2 interested parties, but the bid was too low, a joke.
Other than that, REITS/property funds are a good alternative. I'm getting 6% average dividend from the 4, and 5-10%+ growth per year.
Nothing of interest to buy at the moment. Just holding on BDMS, BEAUTY, CPALL, KTC.
COM7 I would like to buy, but....will have to wait for the next train. Guess I missed it. Already started 3 months ago. Have to weigh risk and reward. Patience will reward those who wait for the right time.
My SET buying stance from my previous tone of 10% to 20%. We'll see, for now just holding.
dived in again on SVI yesterday as i expected bad news as always,hopefully will add to my position today. this stock has been a great earner for me over the years (buy below 5 sell 6 and above) and its a creature of habit. fingers crossed and there is nothing out of order about this SET correction as hopefullky the foreighners will be diving back sooner rather than later but we nay need 1672 ish first ??? lets see ,)
Well sold out my full positions in SAT (15000) with a 52.1 per cent gain (bht117,150) still buying SVI and thats pretty much the way i go, sell on good news buy on bad ,) I still think SAT is a good stock with further growth but ime hoping it dips below 20bht b4 i jump in again ??? still think there is a downside of around 1670 to come before the big boys pulls it back and on we go again , lets see ,)??
Holdings keep gaining, selling bit by bit each day.
Still nothing of interest to buy in the SET. SET is entering a minor temporary downward direction. Looks like the next buying opportunity would be December. Take 2 weeks vacation off.
Well,I see ,some of You think that AQUA and SVI is a good option on this price level!
I had only a bit SVI (2500) and when I saw 2Q,I just sold it on ATO which was a good move.
AQUA is a bit annoying stock.
I think SVI has much more "room" to go down and if reach 4 or so,I will buy some.Not before.
CTARAF have new renter now for a next 30 years.
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Interesting and strange market right now .About 75% 3Q reports has pretty bad numbers,and SET is going UP?Pretty strange moves.Many listed stock are on the lowest level in 52 week or even in 2-3 years.We should be very careful now and chose,maybe,only stock with some "story"and good fundamental!At the same time some stocks with very bad numbers went up without any visible reason!Pretty strange and dangerous,from my point of view !Maybe some chance with PUT or defensive stock and some REIT-s with "story"?Or mostly just wait a bit.Last year in the same period it was about same.
I agree with you on SVI and AQUA. AQUA is still doing it's civil war battle, no clear directions yet. SVI is just going down.
I'm still holding onto positive stocks. CPALL, HMPRO, IVL, KBANK, KTC, LH(weak), M, MEGA, MINT, TCAP, TPIPP.
Most are just holding and increasing each day, risks are too high now to buy. LH is weak positive, any lower, and I would sell it. For now, just riding it. MINT is the same, not too happy about their recent financials, seems flat.
I did buy IVL additionally, slow safe upward direction.
Not much buying, mostly holding.
Most stock lower today.Some seems to be interesting with big discount,but not eager to buy yet.It seems it will be lower soon.Only sure to buy every day some UNIPF,SSTSS,cos. known story about liquidate and transfer to REIT(SSTSS) 1:1 with cash payment up to 2.7 BHT per a stock.
I guess that we will move an bit now to Small Caps again as we see in the last Days some Moves and clearly some Accumulation from the „Big Boys“ as the Volume Increase their too.
I add in the last Days TRC and an bit NWR even if we all know the Fundamentals are terrible. But for small Caps Fundamentals not the biggest Point for moving higher.
BJCHI are in the sell off right now so i willing to ad some at 52 Week low . SRICHA start an bit last Week as well . So it looks like they „play „the Construction Sector in the near Future again after an bad Year 2017 where some of them make new Lows.
It is an risky Move , but worth to take an closer Look
SET going up for the wrong reasons and it may even double top but i think a sharp short correction will take us around 50 points down before the bull continues and i do advise is hold hold hold even if u have nice profits now just like i do.
SVI is a creature of habit and i doubt if it will dip much lower and ime in with all guns blazing as always ,)
CPF is your defence call anywhere below bht25 ,)
Happy trading guys,TTFN Jon
Can't seem to buy BBL with nvdr, weird. On a positive trend, wanted to buy a few, but the system rejects it.
I need some advice.I had UNIPF stock and right for dividend for a 1900 shares,but the did not pay me and send a check.I have clear copy on my transaction and invitation for share holder meeting connected with liquidation process.No any doubt that I am entitled to get check and fund know my full address .I had problem before with QHPF as well,but much smaller amount.Of course today I made reclamation to my brokerage at first as a first step.Only problems is with PF and REITS,NOT ALL,SOME.
Did anyone here had similar experience and how you deal with this?
Sorry ,right for dividend for 19000 shares
The Foreign Quota for BBL is full , so no way to buy NVDRs at the Moment. You can buy only F Shares now or BBL Local but as no Dividend paid to Foreigners on Local Shares must sell before XD . I trade sometime in Local BBL and sell mostly on same or next Day ...
Are you holding UNIPF or UNIPF-F? I did lose out on my rights before on these reits/property funds due to holding the incorrect status.
There is not UNIPF-F there,only common stock.
Today they told me that I will get check with some delay from post office.My brokerage help me and send my data.So,we must check every check for dividend or capital return.
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