Stocks discussion No.9 - 2017
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Welcome to "Stocks discussion No.9 - 2017". Please post your questions or stock picks here.
This index is seriously overheated now at 1620 points, looking to take profit on some positions and looking to by back at a cheaper price post correction. Still accumulating AQUA at 0.66 today.
Well said Hans, long term is where the best gains are to be had, you have to think years not months.
correct on both points and i am still adding to AQUA to lower my position ,) long term is always the way to and that way of thinking, it can be mid term ,)
i called Gold to go to 1320 a while ago and its broke through its 12 month double top,so if it continues,we should be looking at 1420,let see ,) my window in the SET is GLD
this market (set) needs to break through 1650 as that is a treble top that it has to break through to continue the bull as a Treble top (which it has already as done a long time ago) is more or less un heard of (like i mentioned many times, the SET is a totally different mkt ,)) so getting through that point is important and think we are not to far from doing so ,) my call on gold is also heading north but should come down a bit before continuing its march onwards, lets see ,) We should be around 1750 buyer end and a 32bht $
this mkt is NOT overheated by the way, its the individuals believing this and panic selling, hence institutions and foreign buying,DO NOT sell yet ,)
Hahaha, barks very loud. Just a pity, already lost credibleness and manners.
Unable to speak with evidence to back up the said claims. We are still waiting for your timestamps and quotes, still fail to provide.
Brings in a so called imaginary professional who doesn't exist and unable to provide a name and firm for readers to verify and certify. Sad.
Tries so hard to dish other people, and again assumes all the forum readers are making a loss. Guess what? Only he is making a gain. Grow up.
TRUE + Direction up but not to keen on their fundamentals
Buy when the direction is positive, Stop loss and sell when the direction is going downwards to control your losses to the minimum.
Woof woof? =)
Dear all,
I have been a long time lurker in this blog and I have gained a lot of information and $$ thanks to all the advice, tips and contributions from this blog. Now I know that this information is freely provided and that no one can be held liable for the decisions I make after reading the info from this blog.
For a long time now, I have seen this blog go from an awesome source of information to a pathetic place of arguments! Jon, I would like to thank you for a lot of your Tips, I practically started making profits because of what I read from your comments, thanks to you, I am currently making good % on PTG too. Although my investments are small, thanks to you, I usually have my numbers in green though it may take some time.
I have also panicked a few times during dips (when you say to buy more) and sold off in loss, however, over the time I have been following you, I have realised that stocks tend to rise back up. Now I know that many have been giving you (Jon) a hard time in this blog but I must say that I have made $$ only off your tips and not others, reporting the direction of a particular stock in + or - is not of much help as all of us own apps which do it for us.
I agree that we should provide some information when providing a tip, but, I don't think Jon deserves such behavior from us, he's been providing great information. When I read this blog, I TAKE THE RISK of FOLLOWING or NOT FOLLOWING the advice here and hence I CANNOT BLAME OTHER(s) for the CONSEQUENCES.
Thanks all for providing all this great wealth of knowledge and I hope we can continue peacefully ahead!
MASCU my friend, you are the laughing stock all my calls are right there and don't have an imaginary friends have a true friend who i am meeting up for the Chelsea Arsenal game on the 17th in Pnom Penh,i don't need to provide evidence to nobody and i just tell as it is. I noticed your advice about PTG being on a slow but sure spiral down when it was bh16 but now at close to 22bht you have marked a plus after it ??? if people had took your advice , they would have missed out on a sure fire earner and yet now you have changed it to a plus ????. GLD was never mentioned until i brought it too attention as a way in to GLD. By rights this should be 15 per cent up on my portfolio as my average was 1200 on gold but its only 2 per cent ups its under performed but i hope you are right as my target for selling is 1420 or close too.Please stop advising people to control there losses by selling as the SET is not the same as other stk mkts and wild swings are common as you know.You are the one that barks the loudest at least against me but i haven't seen anything special about your advices. Just remember no one has come close to recommending a stock at bht3 that went up to 33 although i was finally out at 28bht. But who cares what you think and in your advice picks above , 3 of them was unheard of before i brought them up AQUA GLD PTG. I am still positive on AQUA and its a case of a waiting game. The evidence is there everyday for everyone to see and yet again yesterday was net selling by individuals like we are and guess what?? the mkt went up with both Foreigners and Institutions net buyers. Will you ever get the hint or work out the way the Stock Market of Thailand works ??? me thinks NO. You all have a good day out there ,)
I have taken profit on some profitable positions today Samtel 14.1 and PTTEP 90.75. Waiting on correction now and gone to cash. Still accumulating AQUA with the profits from my other trades. Will target 500,000 shares for a solid position at 0.68 baht average.
Well done on PTG, I did not manage to pull the trigger as it didn't hit my buy price of 15 baht last month. Keeping an eye on KCE now if it can hit my trigger price of 80 baht then I'm a buyer.
I agree on True, positive trend but not good fundamentals. Same as ITD and GL, all positive trends but annual reports contain some traps which is negative for them in my book.
Looking back over the last 2 years I see retail traders as the biggest dip buyers, this latest rally, proprietary trader and foreign investors along with some institutional investors have been buying up the market and retail has been cashing in the profits from previous dips.
Pay particular attention to prop and foreign net buys as these 2 are indication that a swift correction may be coming as they can pull money out of the market very quickly. I won't call a market top as that will be foolish to do but I think we have little upside with the index sitting at close to 1650 points.
MONO has a change of direction, I am not going to + it yet, will need to see the trend over the next few days. You can keep a close watch on it now. If it heads towards 3.9-4.0, you are clear for a positive trend.
GIFT = No actions yet, still waiting.
Woof woof, nobody cares about your little boy/ big man syndrome. We are here to discuss about stocks. I'll go to the supermarket and buy you a trophy, might make you feel better and proud.
PTG + 14.7%gains. You can't lie on this one Jon. Forum is open for all to see, with all timestamps and quotes available. Nobody miss the boat, but you. Go back and read last month's forum. Liars will not be tolerated.
GLD It doesn't matter who brings this GLD up. Do you think I am trying to take credit for this? That's what we are all talking about. You want to turn this forum into a .... "Jon is the best and always right, everyone else is a fool and losing money?". That's exactly where you are wrong. We are a discussion group. You mentioned GLD, I verify and check. Period. There are no achievements or rewards. If you want a pat on the head, I can give you that.
Ok back to GLD. It is on the positive trend now, so I wouldn't bother selling it yet. From the current information, I'm looking at 1.98 over the next few months. The positive trend just changed from last week, so it's not too late. If I were you, I will continue holding until new trends emerge.
SAMTEL + Looking good.
PTTEP + Positive trend actually just started yesterday. Comparing to SAMTEL, PTTEP's chart is less risky, and will be a steady positive trend upwards. I will check the financial statements tonight, if it's good, I'll enter on Monday.
For those who are still holding SAMTEL and PTTEP, it's on it's positive trend now and will continue to go up with current info.
KCE - Waiting. If above 90 will trigger a positive trend.
Overall SET is very bullish right now. Lots of money was made in the past few days alone.
TRUE + But dislike the fundamentals
Buy when the trend is positive and hold until this trend has changed.
When the trend has become negative, stop loss and control your losses to the minimum.
Mascu, as a seasoned Samtel investor for many years. I can tell you that the current price leaves little upside which is why I am taking profit at 14.1. If the price does rally upward past 15 for example then it is just unchecked investor exuberance rather than any fundamental positives for the comapny.
Their backlog is at all time highs while profit is sitting at multi year lows and barely recovering. I can give reason why but that would require a political thesis on the matter. Suffice to say the current political climate has resulted in Samtels gross margins collapsing even though there is plenty of work for them.
yet again MASCU always makes my day when i see his blog. I tell you as it is and you think you can steer the ship totally on your own and expect the seamen to follow your orders.
All i do is tell it as it is, tell you the truths that YOU in particular don't want to except the reality of the SET.
By trading the way you advise, the steeple will surely lose. Carry on giving your 2 cents worth but back up your past which i have clearly done and stop slagging others and encourage people to win NOT lose like your method always has and always will ,)
So unless you want to meet me face to face on your own anytime any place anywhere and either have a drink and a hand shake or go the other way of which there will only be one winner ,)
We all have our own methods and like i says only sell winners unless its the whole mkt and buy it back super quick.
We are now at a point of a quadruple top and the next few days/weeks are very important, it either breaks out above 1650 or goes in retreat. I think this time it will break through which all in all is very positive for the mkt.I haven't called too many stocks this year but i have taken many times a profit on SVI buying at 5 and below and selling at 6.6.25 and that is what i will be looking at next week as the weakened dollar should not bother them this time around as they have the Austrian edge ,) so I've called it at todays close of 4.98 but not bought yet. You all have a good weekend and dont take things so serious ,)
By the way in blog 7 i called PTG for the second time around the first being around 3 or so years agony also said tat a rebound was around the corner and don't sells also called gold to go to 1320 (called again to 1420) early in the year i called a 32bht $ by ye ar end and in the same month i see MASCUS calls especially PTG all went the opposites first round JON , how many more does it take ?? i said PTG around the 18bht mark. You also forget AH around the 12bht marker called earlier in the year, so i only see positives on my suggestions and comments and its up to others to decide and do their homework before buying in. I normally don't look back on blogs, i like to move forward but i keep getting bombarded my MASCUs comments that are always a blow below the belt. stop making things up , stop calling me a liar and never call me a scammer. THANKYOU.
You should come out in the open and let the people see who you really are, i am quite willing to meet with any of you anytime any place in Thailand or Cambodia or is your name MASK YOU ??? lets see. I have nothing to hide and have many more businesses to manage and the SET is a profitable hobby. time not too much into charts but i did use the charts for gold a simple 1 year and a 3 year. The set needs to break through the 1,650 mark to know if we are really in a solid bull mkt which i believe we are as its treble topped at that before now so (which is almost unheard of but this is the SET) so a quadruple top should be highly unlikely and fingers crossed it will break clean through. Have a good weekend BR Jon
MONO + Direction is very positive at the moment. I haven't had time to check the fundamentals yet.
GIFT = Nothing yet.
Kouhou, yea same with the telecoms industry. What was my favourite industry years ago with high dividends. Advanc holds well but DTAC, I just feel so sorry haha.
Both SAMTEL and PTTEP are selling today, but still in positive trend unless of course it's unable to hold at the current price.
TRUE + Dislike fundamentals
Jonny Boy,
GLD + Probably 4-5% gains till yearend.
PTG + I never called PTG, you called it. I only confirm the direction, and this direction holds true 100%. Welcome to go back to last month's blog and check exact timestamps. On the other note, we are still waiting for your proofs of your said claims. None given till this date.
AH = Holding the minimum bull line.
SET is on the positive trend now, definitely not the time yet to be selling and holding cash. Have made a lot of money in the past few weeks, and certainly expect more with how things are moving. Risk? Certainly a lot higher. But that's no reason to be afraid, just need to be more cautious.
As all of my holdings are in the positive trend now, I will continue to hold and buy. When this trend goes downward, limit your losses to the minimum and sell.
at last,weagree on something MASCU,
definately dont sell and stay in the mkt is exactly my call but it may wipe it feet a bit more before breaking out above 1650. I just disagree that PTG is in a slow spiral trend as i thik it still plenty of groeth but i like KAOHOU missed the boat as i didnt catch the train below 16bht. I dont know what you are wanting me to prove as i only go as far back as the last moinths blog because i am busy in my core bussiness and invest in the SET as a priofitable hobby,i just check when i can at the start of the day and then at the end to see who were the main buyers and sellers which is very important to my method. Indeed i havent bought SVI yet as was busy all day just like today but this stock over the years a
has been a creature of habit and when it drops below 5bht i normally buy in and as long as it stays there i will continue but after that,it always seems to go to 6-6.25 after a few months or so and thats when i bail out. Had this stock more than any other and i have the warrent-3 as an edge for if it does break out.Gold is doing exactly what i expected and needed to come down before the next rally to follow its trend. MASCU i hope you are right about GLD has its been a laggard compared to where it should be for me. Like i said i should be close to 15 per cent upon Gold but this tracker fund has only returned me 2 SO FAR.Have a good week as i have a busy one NOT on the mkt.I have nice profits too but i have some losersof course UMI,CIMBT,and ITD but i kept adding to ITD and its not far away now ,)
I think we just had a misunderstanding. When you called PTG, you had your reasons, and I didn't object that. But simply stated that it was in a downward trend with "no hopes of recovery" yet. The tone may seem like this is a failure stock, but it isn't. It's a good stock called by you, but I'm just waiting for it to be back on the positive track then I would put a + for direction. Last month I put a lot of - on a lot of stocks I wanted to buy. They are all good stocks fundamentally, just waiting for the change of direction upwards.
Personally I think we'll make a better team if we can combine what we do. Like you said, everyone is busy with other stuffs in life. Honestly, I'm not reviewing through hundreds of financial statements on the stock market like I used to, due to time. However, direction is still okay to me, as I can flip open the chart and analyze in a few seconds. This directional investment I've added just recently these few years, works very well for me, that's why I suggested last month for everyone to try out. I'm not talking about daily price changes and fluctuations, I'm talking about 1-3 months directional changes.
PTG + The 8 month negative trend ended on 29Aug2017, which looks to be the start of a positive trend. I am still in this train ride, until the next negative trend comes in. Is it too late to enter now? I would say no. It might correct to 19-20 as the lowest point over the next few weeks of this positive trend, but again don't count on it. My new method is, as long as the stock you like is in positive trend, just buy the ticket and sit on it. No guessing what price I'll buy at or what, just get in. You earn more or you earn less by a mere 1%, but atleast you are sure. From the look of things at the current point, I see 3 months at around 25-26, nothing fancy just riding the train. Of course, this statement is made with current information. If the trend does change, we will make amendments.
GLD + Acceptable correction at 1.85 and above, anything lower be cautious. Looking at 1.93-1.94 over the next few months. Jon, there used to be a lot of gold etfs tradable, seems only 2 left. GLD and another one from TGOLDETF. My main concern is liquidity, so I would only touch GLD. I like to keep my holdings at 5-10% of daily trading volume max. I bought a peanut size few days ago, probably at -1% now, so your in a better position than me haha. Will probably have more correction the next few days, but not too worried, over the next few months should bear some 2-3%. My exit would probably be at 6-9months from now around 2? Definitely less exciting than stocks, but feels very firm.
SVI - I would wait further. Of course, we're all eager to buy at the lowest price. Steal 4.94 and earn a lot when it does shoot up. But I prefer to pay for that "insurance" and sit on the train when it's really in the positive trend. With current data, if it magically enters positive trend now, I would be looking to buy at 5.3ish. 7.3% insurance cost. And it should have no problem making 5.65 over the next few months. So a 6.6% sure gain, instead of a risky 14% gain that may continue to go downwards further.
If the current price still doesn't hold, we are looking downwards to 4.8 and onwards. I say we wait first.
UMI = Flat
CIMBT =+ Not a positive yet, it tried but fell. Let them fight it out.
ITD + It's funny, ITD is exactly the same as PTG. Like twins. Feels ready to burst upwards. The selling is countered by very fierce bulls. 10%+ gains over the next few months if trend holds.
MONO + David busy counting his boxes of cash. =)
KCE =+ Break above 90+ could signal positive trend, we'll see.
important to close over the 1650 mark even if not today but for sure today would be better,then we will have broke safely through the treble top. After that,probably a bit of a sell off before another rebound,lets see ,)
SET + Very stable and positive. Probably a burst upwards before a minor correction. Looking good, entering a new phase of the "boring previous quarters".
PTT + Steady boring positive. No surprises.
KBANK + Sideway trading upwards.
PTTGC + Same as ptt. Steady upwards.
COM7 + Positive direction, not sure about fundamentals yet.
BEAUTY + I'm holding. For those who haven't entered yet, consider the high risk to rewards ratio, may not be worth it for you.
PTTEP =- Cautious, yesterday and today's price way too low for the positive trend. Let it fight it out next 2-3 days.
LH =
PSH =+? The start of something, what would it be?
PTG + Waiting for the next burst. Sellers countered with a solid brick wall.
GLD + Correction these few days.
ITD + Same story as PTG.
MONO + Let David buy a new car.
KCE =+ Fighting to break into the positive trend. Very tough battle so far. Not winning yet.
TRUE + Dislike fundamentals
Overall market looks very good. Log in everyday and see the money go up up up. This is a huge contrast to my tone from 1-2 months ago when I just returned to this forum with a lot of - on all stocks. There is a time to sell stocks, that was the past. Now it's the time to earn money, don't be confuse. Watch the market and act accordingly. Don't hide when it's time to earn.
still looking positive, just as long as it closes above 1650 at some stage this month ,)
Not bought SVI yet but only because been too busy, so hopefully MASCU is right and it goes down further but one thing for sureties only a matter of time before a profit comes as this stock is a creature of habit and i may keep it until over 6bht when of course time back in for probably at least 10 times now ,)
Sometimes you have to look behind the scenes to make sense of the direction. For e.g. Epco. There is a warrant expiring in November. My feeling is that the company doesn't need the capital from warrant conversion so the share price continues to be depressed ( below conversion price ) until warrants expire.
You can see warrants have been bouncing around in a wide range which seems to validate the major shareholders cashing in the warrants.
Once these warrants expire, epco may come back to life. So for those waiting for a move by Aqua - based on its shareholding in Epco, my guess is nothing will happen till year end or early 2018
KBANK + But, probably expect some profit taking by traders. Anything above 206 still fine.
COM7 + Below 12.95 be cautious of change in direction.
PTTEP = Continue fighting, very sloppy.
PSH + Up up and away~
SVI - Very very close to the brink of direction change, but.... not impressed yet. Always touches the iceberg, then falls. Still observing.
UMI = Flat
ITD += Story changing a bit compared to PTG, a bit weaker.
KCE + If it holds it's current trend, the direction has changed to positive. However any large sell off these 1-3 days, will signal a fake positive trend. Those looking to enter, may consider now.
COM7 + Nearing the low, anything below 12.8 may signal direction change. Be cautious. Most likely it will pick up it's power and continue positive, but we'll see.
PTTEP =+ Wants to go up... but...? Just need a little bit more.
PTG + Another 5.5% daily gain today. Is it over yet? No. Keep riding this train.
GLD + Borderline positive, if it doesn't improve tomorrow and the next day, will rate it = or -.
SVI -= Waiting
UMI -= Waiting
MONO + Some correction today. If below 3.85, will change rating.
KCE + Looking good for those who wish to enter.
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All the rest same as above.
PTTEP + Finally breaks above into positive territory. We will see if it holds.
GLD += Borderline positive, will see more the next few days.
MONO and KCE minor sell today, not too worried, still in positive trend.
SUPER seems something interesting about to happen. Haven't had time to check this one out, maybe you guys can.
Been a great month so far. $$$
Super - they issued a warrant and soon to be traded, so the stock has to be moved up so that the warrants can be cashed in at a high price. It's quite elementary.
Could be wrong but I believe the SET has gained too much too fast, overheated and needs to pull back a bit. I have been selling the past few sessions, but holding AQUA at 66-67 and prepared to wait it out with a small downside.
UMI: Still watching, with low expectations.
KCAR: Looks like it's had a nice rest over the past months.
KCE: Nothing spectacular but positive.
Hi MASCU, i am not calling PM or ESSO but i do have great profits on them. ESSO i am expecting a takeover bid at some stage and PM still has a great dividend .ESSO is 62pper cent up (around 400K) and PM 29 per cent up (around 70k) thats why i will have a record year when i sell, we dont always agree and both these stks i doubled dow and doubled down again and again and my method has proved me right. I indeed missed the boat on PTG but still think its quality stk, So my question, add these 2 tp your list and it will be interesting to see how you rate them (this is not a call to buy as i have the profits already ,) ) when of course i decide to sell ,)
You have seemed to mellow down at the moment but we will always disagree on each otheres trading methods. Yes i am in PP with my proffessional friend,who always doubles down ,)Anyway for sure we are looking positive and it doesnt matter if the profit making kicks in for a while but most important,we broke through the treble top ,)
SET + Indeed it has gained too fast, but it isn't the bubble yet. The only burst was on 29Aug2017, we will probably need another one before it corrects very strongly downwards. It's still holding it's ground firmly.
GLD =- Sure is disappointing. Today's price really passes the positive trend, and broken it. It's like stepping on the borderline. I would like to sell now, but if tomorrow it changes positive. It is still acceptable. I'll wait for tomorrow, if it continues downward, I'm off this train. 1.84 is the furthest I will give it. Won't hold on to a loser, when it shows positive signs again, I might return.
AQUA = Holding and waiting.
UMI = Same as above
KCAR = Same as above
KCE + 90 and below be cautious, anything above, keep riding it to new highs.
PM + A risky positive, not a stable positive. 11.5 and below may signal negative.
ESSO - Since September, it has been on a negative trend. However it doesn't feel like a long term trend, with current data, feels like anytime, someone could spike it up further. Would not enter yet, will wait for positive sign. What I am saying is, some big hand needs to bring this into positive trend, the natural trend is negative at this point.
PTG + Still looking positive. No sudden spikes yet, so the risk is still very low and stable. Could see it at 25+ at this stage.
PM If you still have it, I would keep riding it. There will be some sideways trading this days within the lowest point of 11.8 and above is acceptable. It should boost towards the 12.5-13 area the next few days with current data. But do keep a daily watch on it, because the way it went up, it didn't have any strong roots firmly planted. Fast up, fast down.
Hi guys,yes i still have PM as the dividend is too good to sell yet especially at the price ime in, ESSO as i said , ime waiting for a takeover bid and a lot of institutions bought in early in the year. SAT is my other big winner and the main shareholders bought one out also early in the year and they paid 16bht for it. Most brokers are talking this stock down but look what happenned yesterday,which is my point completely and always go against the grain.All vehicle part makers have done well this year especially my call of AH around 12bht and ime still holding tight PCSGH again anice profit with a very good dividend and yet again the brokers calling negative ,) lets see ,)
KBANK Some minor correction, above 205 is fine.
PTG + Slow steady train, not the top yet.
GLD =- This past week's performance, way too weak for my liking. It really needs to pull back up to stay on the positive track, however that's not the case. I've sold, might return if there's more strength.
SVI -= Waiting
UMI = Waiting
KCE + Charging up power for the next boost.
AQUA = Waiting
KCAR =+ Weekly bursts upwards followed by days of selling. A 15.4 and above could indicate strong positive.
PM + Continue this ride. Any sudden burst into 12.5-13, keep a daily watch.
ESSO - The sheeps are selling and causing this negative slow trend. It feels like anytime, a "big hand" will pull this stock up. Question is when will this happen.
BDMS += Developed a weird firm ground on a high end. Will it explode upwards? I bought some today.
TASCO + Haven't checked the fundamentals on this one yet.
SAWAD + Haven't checked the fundamentals on this one yet.
AAV +? Would like to wait tomorrow to see if it's a fake positive.
TCMC + Feels very scary, not my game hahaha.
BLA += About to go into positive territory, keep a daily watch, may consider buying now for those interested. Make sure the positive is strong enough. I've just checked the Q2 financial information, must say I am not pleased. Revenue is about flat, and 2Q17 expenses incurred a huge -9395 underwriting expense compared to last year of 788 positive. So while it looks like BLA is heading towards positive territory, I dislike the financials. Maybe an accountant on our forum may understand their financials better. I was going to enter today, but after seeing the financial info, nah =)
SET Some correction these days.
BDMS += Fighting the equilibrium, which side will win.
KBANK Some correction as well, on the lowest point of the positive trend. I've sold half. Monday will be the indicator of the new direction. If Monday drops further, positive trend is over. There is no excuse at this point, to remain on the positive, it must be stronger.
PTG + Slow and steady.
PTT + Some correction as well, 406 and above to stay on the positive. I'm still holding, this story is a bit stronger than KBANK, not too close on the bottom of positive trend. Monday's information will decide the trend.
GLD = Back to where we started a month ago. Way too weak a bull. Probably hover around 1.84 and 1.82.
CPALL + Slow and steady
PTTEP Borderline positive trend. Any lower and this positive trend ends. Monday's information will be very important, keep a close watch.
SVI = Waiting
UMI = Waiting
AQUA = Waiting
KCAR += Struggling to push upwards, just a little more push to move into positive trend.
PM + The burst has happened, watch this stock every 2 hours for the next 3-4 days. High risk, but high gains as well. Hold and ride, but be on alert. Probably 5% or so in the next few days, but a fast drop is also likely. Next target 13.5-14.15
ESSO = It doesn't want to drop, it's creating a firm ground waiting for the next big hand to enter and pull this stock up. When? Just wait for it to happen.
SAWAD + Next stop59-61?
AAV + Very interesting, train is about to depart. Revenue went up, profit went down. Not my taste, I'm skipping this train ride. Stock directions ignore fundamentals, it's just what the market wants to buy or sell. Indeed, the market is buying into this stock and it will indeed head positive even though fundamentals are not positive right now.
TCMC + Scary, probably a few more bursts upward next week.
BLA = Weak
PM + Will need a very close watch over the next few days. Most likely will hit 14, but we will see. Continue holding with caution. Will likely see big gains $$$ =)
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MTLS A train is about to depart on this one as well. Will confirm again on Monday-Wednesday. Just keep a watch on it.
CBG + Just checked fundamentals. Domestic revenue is flat, but international revenue has a very impressive growth. I will buy some.
SET + 1640 and above still positive. No sudden movements so far, wouldn't be worried. Slow and steady.
CBG + I'm still on this ride, but risk definitely higher than other stocks.
MTLS + Slow and steady, still accepting passengers.
PM + Continue to hold, risk is very high no doubt, may consider some profit taking to reduce some risk. When will this roller coaster end? Maybe a few days, keep a close eagle eye watch these few days. Be prepared to exit if you are a trader these few days when it comes down. However, if keeping as a long term investment, the base is 12.45+ no problems.
BDMS = Fight fight fight. Wait till it's over.
KBANK At the lowest point of the positive trend. We will see.
PTT Same story as KBANK
CPALL + Slow and steady
PTTEP + Borderline positive. Same as KBANK and PTT.
SVI and UMI, interesting spark of action today. Will confirm Tuesday and Wednesday, before marking it a +. UMI looks more assuring than SVI. Keep a close watch these days, might be time to enter. But wait for further data.
ITD = If you are not looking to hold it long term, keep a close watch, might be time to sell.
KCAR += Struggling to push upwards, just a little more push to move into positive trend.
ESSO = Waiting for someone to pull it up
AAV + Dislike fundamentals
BANPU += Looks like train about to depart for people who want to enter. I haven't checked fundamentals yet.
BEAUTY + I'm still holding.
GL Interesting
KBANK = Cautious, Bottomline of the positive trend. A very weak and lazy bull, highly possible to change stance. Reduce some risk, there is a higher chance of it dropping further than it climbing up at this stage. Suggest sell most or all.
PTTGC + Slow and steady
TISCO + Train ride departing today?
PM + High risk, 12.8 and below get out. Other than that, continue riding, possible another spurt upwards 14.2. Watch every 2 hours for the next few days.
PSH 23.3 and below, positive over.
KCAR + We are clear for a positive, let's see if it holds strong. 16-16.5
BANPU += Those who want to enter this, keep a daily watch. Needs a little more power to push it into positive territory.
Some super-computer trading going on. I see 5 bids and 5 offers, all blinking at 0.3 seconds speed. That's a total of 10 prices. Way too fast for human operation. Sitting on 10% gains from buying it 30 mins ago. Will keep a close watch on this fishy stock, any large drops and I'll be out.
ESSO May be entering the positive trend either today or tomorrow.
PM + Keep riding, no negative signals yet.
KBANK = Cautious
PTTEP = Cautious, very weak bull.
PTTGC =- Borderline positive, any lower and it will be leaving the positive trend. 76 and below, get out.
PSH =- Borderline positive, any lower and it will be leaving the positive trend. 23.2ish and below, get out.
BANPU =- Borderline positive, any lower and it will be leaving the positive trend. 17.1 and below, get out.
HANA + Positive trend started 18-Sep-17, it's been 10 days, I think still relatively okay to enter. Bought some today. Skimmed through financials quickly, overall revenue and profit +10% from previous year.
ROBINS + Looks like about to shoot up, but risk and reward seems about the same, I'll skip this one.
ime still riding both and with the dividend yeild i have,ime gonna hold it as i bought at just over 9bht (PM) and ESSO a little over 7bht and way over 500k profit on them now if i cashed in but GUESS WHAT ,) Ime holding firm ,)
make that 600kPM up on ESSO and PM now ,) time still calling SVI buy on dips 5 and below.
Quick explanation to the above, i bought both those stocks far higher and kept doubling down as thats always my method and thats why i have such a low average ,)
THANKYOU to SHAM for his support, happy that someone agrees with me.)
Hahahaha, when you mentioned SHAM. I was wondering who that was, never heard of him in this forum. After scrolling up, it seems his message was posted after we have posted. Claims to be a long reader of this forum, yet his account was created September 2017, mainly to post that message. Nice try.
I missed a few posts from Han Solo, as well. Welcome to the forum! We can get you invited as well, so the posts will show up as soon as posted. Thanks for your clarification and input on SUPER.
PTT + Hit bottom border of positive again, keep a close look on this. Highly possible, direction may change.
GL + Powering up for the next boost?
AJA - Highway to hell
HMPRO + Be aware of risk vs reward. Only invest when reward is greater than risk. The risks is quite high at this stage now.
PTTGC =- Correcting way more than the outlook. Cautious.
AQUA += If it holds, we are clear for a positive.
Hi Mascu.
Thanks for the invite. I haven't posted anything new as it tends to show up many days later. I don't know how that works.
Jon : Had bought Esso @ 6 long ago and sold it during the last rally around Dec 2016 after it peaked . I think I sold that time for around 12.30 which was below the peak. Made a good profit out of it but that was because of patience in holding it so long.
My most recent one was ERW bought around 3+ and recently sold at 5.30. After seeing the trend I bought back at 6 so now enjoying a bit more profit.
i only noticed SHAMs message today and never saw it before so i hope you dont think that is me as i dont need to prove anything to nobody. Maybe whoever it is will post again and confirm to us all that its not me. I have better things to do than make up things. I post it like i think and how i do and today has been an excellent day at the races for me and ime still holding out strong for what i am confident of a record profit year for me,which it would be already if i had cashed in but i dont do the counting til the dealings done ,) Lets hope that was a positive move for AQUA and not a false start,either way its only a matter of time ,)
AQUA: 12-year chart is interesting, with spikes to 1.50 in 2005, 2008 and 2014 which is a 3-year cycle with the exception of 2011. But even though it didn't make the grade in 2011, having started the year from a low base (.25) it still managed to hit .70 which is a fine performance.
Based on this sorcery, with improved technology and investments resulting in consolidation and much higher lows (last month's 0.65 was lowest since Dec 2013), it's looking good with next resistance mid-80s and an upside of around double.
Have completely exited Samtel today at 15.9. Have been selling down since 14 baht and will look to use the capital to invest in other stocks.
Nice pop on Aqua, single day gain of over 70K. Have sold down 15% stake at .75 last Friday and look to buy back at a lower price on any correction. Feeling uneasy with holding 550K baht of Aqua so have trimmed the position.
What on earth is going on with GL?
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