Stocks discussion No. 5 - 2018
You must stop loss when your loss is still small.

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Same here like at market,he he.Out flow from foreigners on SET continue few months in a row already.More than 65% in 1Q 2018.(from my point of view) reports are pretty bad again.
Only tourism,some auto company and healthcare and some oil companies seems OK,but even them too pricey right now.I tried to trade these days,but better not to do.We can not beat the market.Small-cup and middle-cup seems very weak.Financials,metals,food,agriculture,marine,construction ,etc. perform very bad cos. strong THB. Maybe more reason to foreigners get out from stock to buy cheap currencies .I will stay sideline now on at all.Only put some conditional orders for much lower bid and will wait and follow only.Almost every dividend I got,price after go lower.So no use for dividend collect .
I played with SPALI few days ago, just a few stocks, bored nothing to buy. Now it went up, other land developments seem to be going upwards as well. The upward speed is way too fast, might exit soon.
2 of my reits/property funds, BTSGIF and LHSC. Seems like going up as well, didn't get a large enough holding. Only used them for 5-7% dividends.
On the radar, only CHG and GULF seems in the upward direction. However, saw that GULF had some "clarification issues" as seen in the company news. We had 2 bomb stocks just last year, problems with corporate governance. So any company requiring further clarification from the SET, instantly rings a bell. Rather be safe than sorry. CHG, haven't checked the fundamentals yet.
Thai stocks, I'm still waiting. Nothing attractive to buy at the moment.
A lot of stocks look nasty right now. CPALL looks like about to go to hell. xD
It is very hard to generate some profit now in a row per a week or month.Foreigners sell off is going on 9 weeks already.
All going to hell.
But... a few doing well that have caught my attention. Property and hospitals. SUPER is going up the mountains on it's own ignoring all. Haven't check the fundamentals yet, might do it tomorrow.
Looking at the SET as a whole, this is a lot more serious than the "regular". The SET entered a downward direction since Jan 2018, that is 4 months. Not a temporary sell off. We are indeed heading downwards with current data. I suggest cash until we see a change in direction. Holding stocks now is not wise.
Yeah,we should be very careful now.Many com. have pretty bad reports again and again.Many com. 8-10 Q had bad numbers in a row!!! Strong THB does not help.Some com. seems OK to me on this level,like PGD,TSR etc.For most of com. there is much more downward "room" ,from my point of view.
i would advise if you are in the mkt,then stay in,if out.then wait.
just had good results on divvys with ESSO giving me bht81,000 - tax,2 stocks i am almost ready to enter with is SVI again and THG.So i really dont care if the market goes down as they should get cheaper and cheaper.Stocks i am holding are pretty much holding up and at lat BTS is bearing fruit along with PCSGH and AUCT. This time of year is usually dull so i dont take much notice but i willwake up late August early september time ,)
Property and hospitals + I am accumulating bit by bit each day and watching it grow.
ESSO has been in a downward direction since January 2018, way too long in my opinion.
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