Stocks discussion No. 1 - 2018
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Welcome to "Stocks discussion No.1 - 2018". Please post your questions or stock picks here.
keep chipping away at SVI you wont be dissapointed in the long term ,)
that was my best year ever and i still have this years target of at least 1 million at the press of the button,BUT i believe my stocks have plenty of growth ,)
Happy trading and a Happy New Year to all ,)
Happy new year to all! This index is ripe for some profit taking, selling down some of my PTTEP, PTTGC and EA this week at handsome profits.
Buying back some AQUA today after the price dropped again, ditto to BR at 7.15 yesterday. Entered SQ yesterday at 4.82.
Dipped my toe into SVI at 4.16 but not comfortable to take a large position as the price pattern still looks weak.
Sitting on pile of cash now as not much in the market looks attractive at these levels. Time to take profit.
A little bird tells me that Thai owned solar electric projects in Japan are not doing as well as expected. That would explain why Epco is stalled.
Does anyone know any other listed company having solar electric projects in Japan ?
Sold ERW today. Tidy profit after 2nd buy @6
Holding a fair bit of cash but small caps don't seem to be so exciting yet.
well ime still holding firm and put my whole feet in the water on SVI at least i hold it at a cheaper price than the directors do on their 8 per cent buy back ,)
160 per cent up on ESSO but for sure not selling yet and now STA and QH are bearing fruit,so hopefully it will be a rosey year already as soon as i press the sell button which will not be anytime soon as there is still value out there and just waiting to see how low the foreighners take it down before the big money comes flowing in again. Thats why my advice is hold as even i thought there would be a correction around 120 points less than it is now ,so dont bottle out, now waiting to buy back PCSGH which i sold at bht9.40 when the brokers were advising to buy as usual. ime looking around bht7,50 and hopefully less than 20 for a SAT buy back ,)???
Very big volume in a last 20-30 days and there is more and more interesting stocks , good fundamentally with low price.It seems that PDI is great option for daily and position trading ,cos. zinc price is very high,highest in a last 15-20 years and we can expect big dividend soon as well 1.5-2 BHT.
When the direction is up, just go along with the flow, and watch your money go up.
Try not to buy on the high points right now as the risk is not worth it. As long as the stock direction is going up, buy on any weakness negative days, and it will be worthwhile.
Overall market looks good at this pace, "too good" could be possible, so keep a close watch.
Sold some EA, felt like it's overbought, want to reduce some risk while still riding it.
Good start to the year so far =) Happy.
Sold another 10% stake in EA today at 66 baht for a handsome 230% profit, only have about 70k baht left in the position but this trade has netted me over 550k profit this last 12 months, would have been over a million had I held it and not started selling in the mid 30s.jon is right, buy on the bad news and sell the good news, I boug heavily during the ALRO issues last February but my other buy a Demco hasn't recovered and is still sitting at a loss. Also selling down PTTGc and PTTEP both heavily overbought at these levels IMO.
Still adding to Aqua position at 0.67 today. Now holding about 700k shares at 0.68. I feel a rally coming in this name and will have handsome profits thanks to Jon and his hawk eye for a bargain.
Well yep, ime still mainly holding but i see no reason apart from a profit taking correction that things still looking rosey. Sold BLAND today for a small profit as ive held it long enough now and i saw the managers were selling it on heavy volume, switched a little into VNG for the opposite reasons ,) SVI now in the green but i dont expect to much movement til after April and then hopefully lift off ,)?? ESSO at its all time high and just short of 1 million bht profit if i press the sell button toady but i wont as its not an expensive stock with good pe anf bv , so thats hopefully will be my profit this year just that stock alone ,) Happy days guys ,)
GFPT,THRE and PDI looks very interested for me on this stock level.EUR is strong up,so need to see main exporters to EU.
What on earth happened in that last 45 minutes of trading today? Aqua tanked and I couldn't find anything to justify the move other the market having a correction for small and mid caps towards, just cost me upwards of 80k baht which is rather annoying.
Anyone hear anything about AQUA? These moves don't seem justified in the absence of information in the only thing I can find is possibility of impairment expense for their Boardway acquisition but a 35% tanking of the share price seems very off...
In the absence of any other news I just scooped up 400k aqua shares at 0.45, want to take advantage of some of this panic selling at ridiculous cheap levels.
Kouhou Nakamura
I jumped in AQUA on 0.65-0.63 ,but sold yesterday on 0.62 which was good move .Lose about 9000 BHT.I think AQUA will trade on 0.4-0.5 BHT level or even less.Very dangerous stock under serious correction with very big volume.This is always very dangerous and have some reason.
i noticed and have no idea what happenned to AQUA i have added to my position today but cant find any news about whats going on and why the big dip although today it is making or trying to make some sort of a rally. i cant sell , so will just ride the roller coaster ,)
I have 2 theories, 1 is the impairment charge which may be booked in Q4 resulting in a large loss from the Boardway acquisition. Secondly panic selling driven by margin calls getting caught out. It looks like large volumes of shares are being traded but it is still only about 4-5% of the total shares so maybe retail investors getting spooked and bailing.
Its in thai about AQUA
Looks like the recovery in late afternoon confirms the second theory which is panic selling in the morning...
wished i was able to trade this morning,too busy driving but i added another 20,000 at 0.50 but my average is around 0.65 and unless i hear some podsitive bad news,i am not really worried STA also got a large kick up the ass too today but as i hold it,i just as always buy more and i am still showing a small profit ,) PM on the otherhand got a lovely lift and ime holding firm on that one. Always the SET is unpredictable,thats why i dont use stopp losses etc as 23 years in this MKT there are always a lot of wild swings and roundabouts ,)Cant see much upside for a while but i can see value ,)
Yes,AQUA a bit recover after sell off,but as always in Thai ,there is some reason for sell off we do not know now.Maybe annual numbers are bad?Anyway ,I will not buy this stock anymore.
Ok so the rumor doing the rounds is one of the shareholders who holds shares in Aqua, may also hold shares in that Bangkok massage parlor that was raided a few days ago. Leading to heavy selling by retail investors who likely panicked and now kicking themselves as the share price comes back up. I was concerned perhaps they were cooking the books GL style but no, just some shitty rumor about happy endings...
Well just saw the news last night, that Parlor King turned politician Chuvit just stated he sold his massage Parlor to the largest shareholder in AQUA.
Another funny thing to note that Kampol, holds 12% of the shares in AQUA of which about 7% were acquired from GEL for 1 baht back in 2013. So he is sitting on a mountain of paper losses At least 115 million baht depending on what price he purchased the subsequent shares at.
Personally I don't think this has any affect on the AQUA business and welcome Kampol to sell his shares at a heavy discount as I will be a willing buyer at sub 0.5 baht
Just cashed out my last lot of EA this morning at 69.5. I cannot believe this company is trading at these multiples, but considering I entered in the mid 20s I'm not complaining. Also sold some more pttep at 113. pttgc I'm going to let profit run a bit as I think it still has upside in the triple digits.
So far so good. EA still going up, selling bit by bit as the train goes up, to reduce risk. Yea, AQUA, looks nasty, definitely reminds us of the earlier GL this year. Probably better to keep a watch on it before making quick decisions. ESSO, still looking good, stable slow upwards, no panic. CPF seems to have flatten out, let's wait for it's next direction movement.
Not much buying yet, mostly holding on to the bigger names. ADVANC, PTT, BCPG, BCP, and a few others. Directions are going up, so just sit and watch the money grow. Just a matter of time before the craziness ends, and we start selling. =)
I think AQUA is a hold at this point because we are not sure what will happen with Kampol's shares if he is indeed found guilty of trafficking. Worst case scenario the govt seizes the shares as proceeds of crime and holds them to auction off at some later point but I don't think it has any affect on the company fundamentals given Kampol is not part of the management of AQUA.
GL on the other hand where do we start, their CEO cooked the books to conceal theft from the company...
AQUA-Things are not so simple.
This is the part of today SET announcement:
"3. As it appears that the Company is involved in financial transactions related to business of 0Vitoria Secret1 in the money laundering. The Company would like to clarify that revenue of the Company can be clearlyidentified sources in the outdoor media business, Real estate for rent, Printing house, and the electricity business more than 450 megawatts. The accounting are recorded are audited by authorized auditors on a regular basis every 3 months and paid taxes correctly.
You can read all on SET published on 18:53:41 Clarification on the incident occurred with a shareholder and affected the Company
Well the statement is pretty straight forward. Kampol is a shareholder in Aqua as he is in about 10 other companies to the tune of nearly 2 billion baht. I believe they are not involved in Kampol's illegal massage business but I also believe the money used to buy Aqua shares likely came from illegal sources.
Yeah,whatever ,it will likely make further selling pressure for Aqua.
I hope your right Boris as I would love to buy more Aqua at sub 0.5 prices as I only bought 400k at .45 baht last week during the plunge. But in reality this statement will lend price support to Aqua and a strong chance of a rally tomorrow.
As I am playing with house money from the EA trade I can make more risky bets without losing any sleep.
Will start to unload more PTTGC tomorrow as I expect will break 100 baht. Has been a fantastic dividend stock over the last 5 yrs but the price is just to tempting now.
Well,Nokamura,for me AQUA is very risky,even on 0.3-0.4 THB now after all of this.Rumors or not,it is very bad to publish such a "things" about company ,for a future of the company like AQUA,in a media and SET.There is much more other stocks on SET with much better numbers to deal with.
well as i was the one who called AQUA in the first place,i cant really comment right now as i dont know how it will all span out ?? I added a bit on the big dipper day and will continue to hold quite a large amount of stock,didnt see it comng,then neither did any of us but this is the SET ,) I am now 170+ per cent up on ESSO which is just around the 1 million bht profit mark if i sold now but its still not an expensive stock compared.
Nice rosey portfolioand ime holding everything right now even if we have a correction of 10 per cent or whatever.PM,QH,PCSGH (again)are all starting to fly and i see no reason to sell anything at his point. All eyes of course are on AQUA ?? Could be an absolute bargain BUT its now high risk high reward and ime prepared as always to take that High risk ,) TTFN Jon.
bought back SAT today below 20bht just like i said i would,same with PCSGH as both hit my buy targets just like they hit my sell targets a few weeks ago ,)all the brokers were shouting buy on both at there highs as normal,so i did the opposite as normal ,)
Jon,SAT is OK,but we must consider weak US dollar and strong THB and it will affect automotive industry and exporters.I think SAT will dip much more if dollar stay weak and THB strong.Same for PCSGH.
well i am a really patient player and i do hope you are right and they go much lower then i can buy a lot more.Ive made good money out of both of these stocks and SAT twice and you have to dip your toes in the water somewhere before diving in otherwise you may miss the boat ,) These are proffessional companies that know how to edge their bets and the import of the raw materials helps to offset the stronger bht and both pay good dividends. Lets see ,)?
Yeah,Jon,I will follow SAT and PCSGH as well.I had some nice profits with SAT too.I will buy maybe some on a lower level.
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