Stocks discussion No. 6 - 2018
You must stop loss when your loss is still small.

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Welcome to "Stocks discussion No.6 - 2018". Please post your questions or stock picks here.
i agree with you MASCU ESSO does look on a downtrend but with a massive divvy just paid out and presumably the same next round its a keeper for me and even if you entered now its still a hell of a divvy.
LPH is the one i meant to advise last moth not THG , SVI is very close to my buy back in target of bht4 or less.
Nothing much more to add at the moment. Too busy with my core bussiness ,)BTS at last is bearing good fruit,so thats the 5th time ive backed a winner on that one but not selling anytime soon ,)
Yea, BTS looks good at the moment, might have some rests for a few weeks, and should be up and running on positive again.
Just adding peanut amounts of hospitals and properties. Seems to gain ground and silently moving up. Will see. :D
Boris, our reits/infrastructure outlook isn't as bright anymore =)
I'm downgrading BTSGIF for now with current info. It's on the verge of going negative and maintaining equilibrium. Not good enough for me, same as others. These 3 months data, not impressive at all. Will slowly exit.
ok,ime sticking my neck out here but now ime callig LPH,SVI and KCE BUT , ime not buying in il july /august , lets see ,)
AUCT is now bearing nice fruit for me but will be looking to sell after the 3rd quarter results ,)?
AUCT looks good, up up and away~
ESSO looks nasty though, my broker gave it a buy rating on 30May, but 2018 and 2019 estimates for eps and dividends, are below 2016 and 2017 standards. Could be a tough 2 years ahead.
I'm starting to accumulate some property, little by little each day. Nothing fancy, just 10% growth over the next few years. Same with hospitals. I guess hospitals and properties are the thing this year :D Boring and slow steady.
I'm almost totally out of reits/pfs now, my last one QHPF, still looking good on papers, but I'm sure if others have fallen, it's just a matter of time before this last champion goes down too. Keeping it until I see some changes in the near future.
ok.been scooping up SVI and LPH, didnt think there would be buying opps in them 2 til July/Aug, better early than never and ime happy with the dips and friday is normally a good day to see red ,) lets see ,)?
me thinks,its time to pull the trigger and buy on the dips slowly but surely,I am ,)
the 2 i reccomended above LPH and SVI ,)
Well,it seems that bear market is come back.Free fall is here.I was trading a bit there last few months.I short often and price is going lower and lower.Now I am waiting for a new 20 day low to enter position and wait Market to Break Above 20 day MA.
I'm buying slowly as well, just bargain hunting. The key here is "Buy Slowly". Will the market drop further? Of course it will. Are stocks cheap? Yup.
Suggest collect only those stocks that are fairly leveled in the price, those that are still dropping fast 48/50 stocks currently still are, let them drop further before buying.
Hospitals fundamentally are good, but their current direction is still downwards, so collect slowly. Currently trading at 4 year's price to EPS lows, definitely a bargain.
I think healthcare sector is still pricey.Need to wait at least 20-30% drop to think about buy. What is "fairly leveled" in free-fall market? Yes some stocks seems OK,but need to wait 2Q ,from my point of view ,cos. many Q in a row in a last few years ,numbers are very,very bad.It is the time for patience and wait and use IALGO to buy on panic sell off "mode".
Friend of mine have about 1.5 Mil. THRE average 1.8-1.9 and have huge loses cos. waiting too long.After bad numbers 1Q he could sell off for around 1.5,but he refused to do.I predicted falling to 1.2 and now 1 or less,depends of 2Q.Small Cup and Mai tumbled already 50-60 % and there is still "room to fall".BIG CUP will follow soon maybe 10-20% drop.I saw charts of Thai stocks before in a time frame of about 20 years and in bear market stocks can be almost flat on the bottom for 2-5 years.So , need to be very patient and savvy from now on.
All good advice above especially the BUY slowly but surely ,)
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