Discussion Of Other Stocks No.8 - 2006
Welcome Thai stock traders/investors,
ITV: We recommended this stock when it was at the very low (2.7) price. Since some people are very interested in this stock. I uploaded this new chart. The price is moving up along a narrow untrend channel. Risistance around 5.5 - 6.0. If it can close the gap, it can go higher. Good luck.

D1: We have no historic chart to judge it. It is really a gamble. It seems that there is some little support at 2.34. Let's set 2.34 or higher price as a stop for this new stock. You must cutloss if your stoplosss target breaks. Good luck.

D1 is not a new stock, it is the same as diana. unfortunately ke-live charts do not show the datas before a stock name has been changed.
zorro, thanks for the info. I have corrected it accordingly.
This is a joke. What do you mean the same business as Diana? all businesses were sold back to old owners. It's a shell with 120 M in liabilities.
GEN: zorro recommended this stock several times. Don't forget it.
i still hold GEN @0.66,what to do..if sell <0.6 then -10% what a pity :(
Diana Department Store Public Company Limited (DIANA) has changed its name to Dragon One Public Company Limited (D1) and has already completed the legal process for changing its name. Therefore, effective from July 25, 2006 onwards, the securities name and symbol in the trading system will be changed as follows:
New Name New Symbol
Dragon One Public Company Limited D1
on 27.7. i wrote:
gen: raise lpp to 0.64 for a part of your holdings and sell all if 0.6 is broken
we recommended gen @ 0.58 and on 27.7. there was a volume peak. can take some time again till the next run
cawow: I don't think there is much profit to be made
ccp: looks good, lock profit if it reaches 2 and / or volume peaks.
PICNI: looks interesting. Stop=0.45
uihh luckilly I didn't cut loss GEN, now breakeven level!
DE: wow, a new high. For those who still have small position, move your LPP to 0.85 or higher. It's up over 100%.
ASCON: move LPP to 11.00 or higher.
GEN: move LPP to 0.67. Enjoy!
MPT: move LPP to 2.40.
Now gained +6% my GEN, it's very fast man!!
how about SMIT, they also reported good 2Q result thx!
smit: looking good, broke the march downtrend a couple of days ago.
scrt4u: what is your target for syntec and distar?
zorr, I think ST target for Distar is probably at 1.30-1.35
Synte's ST target is around 0.75-0.80
PF: Looks interesting. Play at your own risk.
MME: probably cooking for a rebounce. Target 15-20. Play at your own risk.
ASCON: It's up about 25% since our recommendation. Move LPP to 11.30. Enjoy, our fans.
DE: you should locked your profit today. Even it will go higher, don't feel jelous. But if you like, you can re-enter when price is good again. Now the stock has finished only two waves. Probably there is a fish tail, "skin-boned".
Probably there is a fish tail, "skin-boned".
Please explain
GSTEEL: move LPP to 1.10.
a fish tail, "skin-boned"
Less meat = low profit
skin-boned = high risk.
AJ: Probably cooking again. Stoploss = 2.78. Good luck.
RRC: move LPP to 21.10.
UV & UMI also looked cooking, your comment pls thx!
ueda, you are right. Be cautious.
To scrt4u and zorro :
i´m verry curious through what internetconnection you provide your comments as of today-3.8.,3.15hour till up to now 17.55hour Thaitime ,Thailand could not be accest by internet from Europe,be it seamico ,set,kimeng ,bkkpost,cat, tot,you say it,but your website surprisingly is online!!!
You teach them a word or two how to serve customer !!
i am using a thai isp, no problems today from here
I was using a Swiss ISP today. No problem at all in the trading hours of today.
ASCON: it's up 30%. Move LPP to 11.40 or higher.
ASIAN: seems it is cooking.
ASIAN: seems it is cooking.
TMB: it shot up today. Did you got quick money. Set LPP at 3.40.
PE&T: Move LPP to 2.30
TPIPL: Move LPP to 10.30
SYNTEC: Move LPP to 0.60
SYNTEC: move LPP to 0.64 or higher
DCC: someboday in the snakepit mentioned this stock. I checked its chart. My blind guess told me it seems cooking. Stoploss=13.10 Good luck.
on chart banking stocks looked good ie BBL, SCB, KK, ok to enter now?
banking: now near 256 st- resistance. macd turning positiv, i think banking will advance further but not much upside. 10% for scb, bbl might be possible in the mt or lt, kk could do a bit more.
hahh UMI got u!gain 15% & run off first
UV might follow soon, how about MIDA??cooking too??
uv bounced back from 75 avg today but should make another jump soon. stop 1.6
mida is similar.
i will be on a trip next week (14th set closed), i should be back on friday.
hahh they're very active this morning,what's LPP for UV & MIDA pls, i bought all far below tdy,sold or hold thx.
mida: volume at 1 year high, maybe lpp = 1.65 (3 day avg)???
uv: lpp could be 1.7,
Thanks to scrt4u and zorro for your good comments.
What do you think about smc,q-con, btc,ecl ?
Thank you.
SMC: looks in an uptrend. stoploss=1.65
Q-con: in uptrend. stop=1.85
BTC:in uptrend. stop=1.57
ECL: distribute in high price area/consolidate. If it cannot take out the resistance at 1.20, keep away from it.
TMB: cooking. stop=3.16
MME: seems cooking again.
SPORT: this stock was recommended by Punta. I think it is cooking. Play at your own risk.
learner, my chart shows KTECH until only 11 August. Was 14 August a holiday for SET? If so, it is risky to chase KTECH. RSI is about 80, overbought. Its previous high is about 2.5. If you chase it, use tight stoploss and glue your eyes on the screen.
NWR: I think it's still worth holding. Move LPP to 0.65.
EPCO and GSTEEL: You should have exited on 10 August. It is in down trend.
SET: looks a little tired.
HEMRAJ: looing good. Use tight stop if you like to chase. Good luck.
notaclue, even you are sure it is cooking, the punter can change its plan. Maybe you should wait for a better entry into MME.
ITV is cooking again but set stoploss at 3.36. Good luck.
BGH: seem cooking for a rebounce. Stoploss= 28.40 Good luck.
PF: cooking. risk control (stoploss) = 2.9 Good luck.
EPCO: supported the price at 0.55 for 3 days. You should have exited EPCO on or before 10 August. Better not to change.
GSTEEL: you should have exited it on 10 August.
notaclue, what I mean is the price of EPCO stays above 0.55 for four days and its indicator of CCI looks good. I think you should hold your EPCO if 0.55 is not broken.
In your case of GSTEEL, hold it. You can also sell some(say 1/4 or 1/3 )of your GSTEEL position to regulate down your cost. Sooner or later, GSTEEL will fly. Be patient. It seems that you often fully invested.
tnity: reversal similar to nwr, buy with stop 6.6
ASIAN: cooking. stoploss=2.82
DCC: keep an eye on this stock.
ACL: looks interesting. play at your own risk.
KCE: boiling. stop/LPP = 3.2
KCE: move LPP to 3.25
ACL: set stop at 3.8
SMC: if you have SMC, move your LPP to 2.10.
GEN: move LPP to 0.88.
ACL: move LPP to 3.90
PE&T: There seems strong support at 2.10. Now it broke out. Enter with a stop at 2.30 or a little lower. Play at your own risk. Good luck.
BNT: it is among the top ten loser today (22 August 2006), but the volume is reletively big. There must be something happened behind it. It is worth watching now. Keep an eye on it or enter quietly with tight stop. Good luck.
bnt: read set news today, capital increase.
notaclue, hold your NWR. If you really want to, reduce your postion when price breaks 0.65 support. So that you can have cash to invest in other stocks.
BNT: It's up about 20% since we recommended it yestoday (22 August 2006). Please move your LPP to 0.35.
GEN: move your LPP to 0.93
PICNI: set LPP/Stop at 0.37. Good luck.
SIAM: if you have this stock. Move your LPP to 5.0 or higher. This is our successful stock pick since it was only 2.50. It's up 110% within four months.
RRC: this stock is forming a new punting platform at 20.5. Enter or increase your position. If 20.5 support breaks, RP or exit. Good luck again.
zorro, can you explain why BNT is going up because of the capital increase news?
notclue, it seems that EPCO is ready to move up again.
ASIAN: It's boiling and break out. Good luck.
bnt: capital will be reduced by reducing number of shares to approx. 1/10 to wipe out losses. similar procedure was done with tfi. in a second step capital will be increased by issuing new shares at 1 bt. why are the shares up? wiping out losses to clean the balance sheet is positive, but it does not help to produce profit. regarding bookvalue it is still expensive. so there must be another reason, maybe after the steep drop on the morning opening yesterday, the punters and daytraders stepped in to make some quick money and as the amount of traded shares was about the same as total available shares, they bought and sold several times, driving the price up. maybe some shortcovering was done as well. be careful with this stock, only good for st-gains so keep a tight stop. tfi shot up after the capital reduction from 10 shares at 0.12 baht to 1 share at 1.8 baht = 50% gain, but now back at 1.4 baht for 1 share.
Thanks for your explanation, zorro. I think other people appreciate your answer.
ACL: move LPP to 4.15
SCIB: move LPP to 18.30
Asian , Aj , Theco, Ccp , Q-con any comment appreciated.
Pau, all stocks you mentioned are cooking except CCP. Cut loss if key support prices break.
As to CCP, better wait and see.
scrt4u how can tell CCP not cooking?
because support at 1.50 seems broken and the candlestick on 11 August had a long handle, indicating probably distribution. It seems that the punter is going to build a lower punting platform. Maybe I am wrong.
ACL: move LPP to 4.7 or higher.
ACL: This stock is already up 28% since we recommended (from 3.8 to 4.88).
SIAM: move LPP to 5.35. It's already up 220%.
AJ: seems boiling.
to scrt4u : I was away for weekend so I read your comments just today
-thank you very much for it!
To notclue - Hold NWR if it does not break 0.60.
Hold EPCO if it does not break 0.54.
GBX: seeming warming up
TUCC: seems breaking out. Set stoploss at 6.25 if you enter. Play at your own risk.
SCIB: It's already up 17% since our recommendation 25 July 06. Move LPP to 18.50
SPORT: warming up.
MATCH: if you have this stock, move LPP to 1.85
GRAMMY: looking interesting. If you like, try your luck with a stop at 6.75
MATCH: move LPP to 1.90
BNT: If you entered this stock again. set your stop/LPP at 0.35 or higher. Play at your own risk. Good luck.
PICNI: is this stock cooking? Of couse. Could the chef set up a lower stove? Maybe. I blindly guess it is going to be warm up. If you like, quietly sit at his table and don't disturb the chef.
If the stove at 0.37 platform breaks, the chef will set up a new platform. You just flee as quick as possible no questions asked. Wait and see if my "blind guess" is correct or wrong. Play at your own risk. Good luck.
SCIB: Breakout is confirmed today. move LPP to 19. Profit has increased to 21% since our recommendation.
PRECHA: warming up again.
SATTEL: chefs are cooking there. The chefs quit their job f 9.15 breaks.
SC: interesting again. Enter with stop at 9.90. Good luck.
SCIB: The profit has increased 25% since call. Move LPP to 19.6.
SPORT: move LPP to 2.5 or little higher.
PRECHA: move LPP to 2.6
MATCH: move LPP to 1.95
GBX: move LPP to 1.95
TMB: move LPP to 3.2
hi guys, need adv on AH, BFIT & TT&T thx!
Ueda, my views as follows:
AH: looks interesting. you have two options. One is accumulate quietly now with a stop at 13; the other strategy is get in after it breaks out resistance at 14 with good volume.
BFIT: the chef is cooking if 8.5 does not break.
TT&T: seems forming a double bottom. If you like, you can try your luck with a stop at 2.22
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