Welcome to Cooking list No. 7
Welcome to Cooking list No. 7
EPCO: This stock has been in an uptrend channel and has stayed above 5 DMA for a week. Looking good. Suggest enter. Use 5 DMA as a stop.

NWR: Although new property law is negative, this stock has been cooking. Be patient and you will be rewarded. Our advice is if 0.54 support breaks, EXIT.
PRECHA Breakouts: This stock looks breakout. Set stop between 2.22-2.30. Good luck.

SC: This stock seems that it has moved out of its downtrend channel, forming a second punting platform. Look at the chart. Enter with a stop at 10.50. Resistance is around 15-16. Good luck.

scrt4u & zorro
NWR: seems boiling.
thanks so much for the charts, the analysis,
the recommendations and last but not least -
the free access to the real-time charts of kesec!!!
pls post some more links to other interesting sites
about the thai market.
and - I really do like the name "cooking list"
P.S i think I'll buy some RRC.
biggest volume in BKK today /
here in germany no volume at all.
(will i be the first one to buy them???)
check out the link called "usefull websites" on the mainpage of the blog.
If you bought RRC today, set your lpp at 19.50. Good luck, jjooey.
hi again,
- clicking "useful websites" results in a "404 not found"
- sct4u: what does "lpp" stand for? limit?
- http://aktien.onvista.de/snapshot.html?ID_OSI=14714121
shows the volume (Volumen) in germany.
(on the left quote 0,41 EUR, in the same line on the right "volumen" 1000 shares,
guess who bought them ;)
- don't worry, not going to blame you. If it doesn't work, I will sent hate-
mails to the kelive analysts - or re-read Victor Niederhoffer's Thailand experience
to console myself.
- by the way, some time ago I watched an interview with on CNBC Europe with
Hedge Fund Manager Hugh Hendry of Eclectica. He mentioned Bangkok Land
as a fantastic value opportunity. Is that still the case? How do you think
it compares to Land&Houses? Or to other big property developers.
Thanks again!
jjooey, lpp or LPP stand for "lock your profit point".
Brokers never always tell you the right timeing to enter, sometimes they publish a research report when the price has moved alot.
LH seems in a uptrend channel. If you buy LH, use the lower line of the uptrend channel as a stop. Good luck.
I will fix the useful site link. YOu can get it here (near the end of the webpage):
if you click the "please visit here first" link on top of the main page, you will find links like :"some important points"
there the abbreviations like lpp (stands for "lock profit point") are explained. the links from the main page seems not be working. scrt4u, please check.
the link to the useful webpages is working on the "please visit here first"-page as well (scrt4u, is it possible to make these links clickable?).
jjooey, it seems to me that you are trading on the german stock exchange, not on the stock exchange of thailand. i do not have any experience with it, but there are certain differences in the availability of shares and so on, so be careful. if, for example, we recommend a stoploss or a sell, you might not be able to sell your shares at a good price.
remember, if you read somewhere about "good opportunities", it might be the time to sell.
zorro, I will try to make the links "clickable". The server archived the useful link, so I can not make it split.
great! found everything (list of websites, list of abbreviations..)
- and, well, yes I'm trading on one of the German exchanges. The quotations
are usually o.k., even if there is no volume; quotations are quite close to home market
quotations. (0.41 is around 20Baht, at the time I bought the share it traded around 19.70B;
they won't usually quote half a cent (0.405), unless the share is trading around 1 cent,
like Bangkok Land (0,015 Euro))
It only gets dangerous when some "Hot Stock recommendation letters" advises to buy some
foreign shares which are rarely traded in their home markets and the market action in Germany
makes the price drift far away from their home market quotations (especially if
that market is still closed). E.g. Canadian mining shares, preferably without any mine, yet.
good night!
SC: move lpp to 11.40
EPCO: move lpp to 0.63
notaclue, I answered your question in the September forum under the thread of "Discussion Of Other Stocks No.9 - 2006"
Usually we offer updates under the newest posts.
This thread is last month. We closed it. If you have questions, ask in the latest forum.
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