Stocks discussion No.2 -2012

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Welcome to "Stocks discussion No.2 - 2012". Please post your questions or stock picks here.
Hey guys, what do you think of Advanc right now?
Sorry, Meow, I don't know zip abt Advance.
I was in PPenh last month getting the engine rebuilt on my dirt bike. Didn't check the market and found it my stock boomed while I was there! Returned home to Thailand 2-wk ago and market up daily, but not my stocks, until today. Yea!
Ueda: any thoughts on TK?
Uh, where is everybody this month. Not posting, just savoring their profits ;-)
Advanc is a bit too expensive now.
sorry Lukdod, I got no idea abt TK as I dont follow this one and seems u missed bull run here
SET runs faster than I thought but I guess it will start descending after 4thQ result finished. As off now, just enjoy my profits in banks. Ystdy I switched my TTW with SGP for profit taking.
Lastly I heard rumour KTC will shoot up to 20, too good to be true hah ;)
Dont know about ADVANC but TK will probably shoot right up again as they are the no 1 finance company for all small motorbikes now and pay a handsome dividend,family run bussiness.I personally wont buy any because there are 1000s of finance snatchbacks for sale at auctions all over Thailand everyday,which i buy all mine from.
The clue here is GE CAPITAL pulled the pluggggg and ACYL also pulled the plug,so that tells me a story that if the big boys dont want it,let the the small guys have a gamble. Been to Cambodge and Laos and been riding the bull mkt out all the way and have a very very tidy profit should i wish to take it, (i wont yet) sure ,there will be a correction but ime strill BULLISH if all is peace in the political life ?????
erm,,, where are all you chart guys ??? something gone wrong ????? common scense,will always beat charts ;>)Hope you guys and gals didnt bottle out now ??? as most the locals are ???
SET: the RSI is at a 1 year high, a pullback of 5 to 10% is on the cards.
Could be tommorrow, could start in a week or two.
As long as foreigners are buying it is better to stay in and ride the rally.
very happy to see my KTB keep rising...put a big money here :)
erm, pull back ??? sure 5 per cent correction but more than likeley another 5 per cent rise firstlets see and ime still riding,looking closley at the the foreighn buying though but i think the foreighn funds at least ,still have to buy in and they have too within a month if they have investors,thats the rules. BUT, the one to watch for is politacal instability which will come along ,hopefully later rather than sooner, g luck and g nite >:
Call me chicken but I am 100% cash now.
Failed 4 times at 1121 and now the sell-off.
The bomb that went off in BKK contriutes to the selling.
Foreigners were net sellers on todays morning session.
Ah, I was away and missed the sell off boat...again!
Unlike Zorro, I'm still stuck with all my shares...and hoping (praying?)for a bounce tomorrow that may never come ;-)
Oh well, I'm still well ahead and I'll just have to consider today's losses a contribution to the stock gods!.
Lukdod, maybe it will be good to hold your stocks, look at their charts individually.
Foreigners were buying at the end, if the SET reclaims the 5 day avg at 1112 is could go up further.
Otherwise it could drop to 1080 where the 25 avg is located.
Other intraday supports to watch for tomorrow are 1106 and 1097.
As you said,the foreighners were still buying and that was positive and actuall today was not all bad as SAT,CPALL,MINT which i have alot of all gained ground.Still riding it out,i beleive we have further to go,I will sell a few eventually as i have some healthy profits but maybe just bb4 x dividend time >)
zorro, Whoopie! Today I regained all profits I had yesterday morning, prior to the afternoon fall. Maybe the fall was just a pothole in the road, and hopefully all will be least the near future ;-)
Good luck to all...
Be cautious Lukdod once SET hit 1200
I m checking my profit & think which one to be sold soon...still hold ktb, bay, kbank, cpf, makro, intuch, sgp & ttw.
Hmm Thinking to speculate with thai, ktc, lh or svi since all still far from its high...any thought guys?
I am still out, watching. Whether it was a bump in the road or not one should have an exit strategy.
SET is close to the last year high and near a resistance channel, the former 1121 resistance is broken down, 5 day avg might save the day again.
which chart program are you using?
I really like the bisnews liberty, but my brokers keep abandoning their service. I change so many brokers already because of that, and each one slowly discontinues the license.
The other alternatives for me are efinance and the new one aspen. To me the bisnews liberty, was just so easy to use, in terms of clarity and functionality.
Let me know, in need of charting programs!!
I got the one from Philip Sec., can be accessed as member only, is not really good anyway.
This one is free but only 1 year charts:
THL: seems interesting! If you try your luck, use small position and tight stop. Good luck!
THL for sure sucks,yet another skint company that should not be trading,---------------charts suck too,how many times do i have to say,common scense wins ,hands down.
I never look at charts and never will,just look around you guys and gals until the political shxxxt hits the fan,<) only clues but as always,for now ,i am BULLISH and still riding the BULL happilly and strongly, by the horns.>)
I am back in again but made a couple of adjustments.
Bought some RPC as there seems to be a reversal in the making.
Could be something for longterm, now the volume is picking up
zorro...I noted today that RPC has been suspended!
Sell my small profit on cpf & intuch then increase ktb again
RPC should be trading again tomorrow acc. to the SET.
sell your profit on CPF,should be adding to them while they are cheap,my average is just above 26.50 and if they go lower than what they r 2 day,ime buying more.
Why do you guys lose your bottle so early ??? Still a way to go yet b4 sell time,oh yea,yawn yawn, charts,silly me,i 4 got >)
He who dares wins, he who doesnt,guess what ??>)
I never dare to day trade as most of you should know as a individual investor,you will surely lose.Happy trading 4 you,ime still holding and riding that BULL, Correction, for sure coming soon,possibly 4.5 per cent but not yet,lets see
Yes Jon, surely will buy cpf again when they're down a bit now better to add ktb coz rise faster
SST makes another run, dare to chase?
Ystdy also bought KTC, guess px will settle around 16.2-16.5 before another run too
AS quietly rising!
Buy more KTC
ueda: 'Buy more KTC'??
While I hold a modest amount, it's high is only about +10% more (19-Bt+), unless you look at it's 2007 high of 30-Bt.
What an I missing??
Yes Lukdod just speculate w KTC, owned 30k w/ avrg cost 16.7 now...finger cross :)
I've 50k-Bt of KTC @ the same price :-). If reaches or exceeds 18-Bt, I'll sell & put the funds elsewhere!
Lots of fingers crossed ;-)
QH,eeeeeerm,very happy today,put alot of bht value on to my port along with JASMIN.Dont honestly see CPF going down anymore,its a good buy already,you should fill your boots.Everytime ive said that,the stock in question whether it SAT,PTTGC,CPALL,all have sky rocketed.Lets see if ime right again with CPF ??>)
SET: reached last years high and pulled back. 5 day avg at 1136 is close, though if broken I don't think it will drop much with the foreign buying support.
KTC: bought some at closing as the 15 day avg is there now and the last 2 run-ups happened near this line. Will there be another tomorrow? My stop might be close at 16.2.
ITD: bought some as well, target 4.4.
JAS: not sure if it will go up further. Bought at 2.1, will sell if it drops to that price again.
The 200 avg at 2.36 should be reachable, then a pullback and another run much higher - hopefully.
I think we start downside soon...start to reduce my port & save my gain now
Another bump in the road.
While foreigners are still buying the SET shows a bearish divergence of the RSI.
I'm still in, a bit unnerving today but at the end JAS did well.
It is on the buy recommendation of the Phillip Sec. techie today with a resistance of 2.4
Had to let go of KTC, looks like game over. Who knows?
Thursday, PT (Premier Technologies) dropped nearly 14%. I closed out my shares during the fall, but have been unable to find any to WHY the stock dropped? Sources anyone?
Still hold KTC since sell vol was low, anyway I could be wrong either
Slowly accumulate TTW now
still riding the BULL with all my stock and CPALL has been the star of the show this week and IVL last >)
Results just out yesterday, net profit increased more than 45% from previous year. Was worried about the impact of the flood, but glad I held on. About 4-5% dividend for this year.
Best performers so far in my port, ADVANC and MAKRO. (Note: It is too late to enter now.)
BTS: seems interesting!
As expected Makro reported superb result...hv sold out all tdy with 25% profit, so happy :)) definitely will buy again next time
My SGP also doing great, wl sell it too after yearly result
This bigc01ca is shooting up to the sky everyday ckckck...
Now just patiently wait some correction & speculate a bit...perhaps AS, TMB or SUSCO worth to try nextwk.
i call 1170-78 b4 correction,lets see,my ports never been so healthy and still going to ride on my hunches ?
KTC reported very bad result...think pick the wrong one!
KTC hold up well, interesting while many down
still not bottled out and CPALL,well 123k up in 4 tradining days without comments on MINT etc >)
AND THATS PROFIT ON TOP OF 348K WHICH STILL HOLDING (CPALL)hold on tight guys,more to come 1070-1078 in my oppinnion will be the 5 per cent correction but u guys seem to speak alone , so, probably last advice from me for a while as you chart guys THINK you know better ?? GNITE and BYE>)
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