02 September 2014

Stocks discussion No.9 - 2014

Welcome to Stocks discussion No.9 - 2014
Visit this blog daily for updates.
You must stop loss when your loss is still small.
It's no shame to surrender to market makers.
Doing so you will make profit on stocks sooner or later.
 SAMART: UP 95% (33.25 Bhats)since Mascu  called it
on 25 February 2014 when it's only Baht 17.  
----- background info -----
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 2:59:00 PM, Mascu said: 

Just sharing some I've bought.
PAP, SAMART, SWC, TCCC. Originally bought them for dividends
during this so called rough time but they all went up in mere days.
For now, I am staying away from any business that can be 

affected by the protests.

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