Discussion Of Other Stocks No.1 2006
Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to Chinese visitors!
Dear investor of Thai stocks, I start this thread for discussion of your stock picks (exclusive of our cooking list)
SHIN: Singapore's state-run investment agency, Temasek Holdings, has purchased a 49% stake in Shin Corp (SHIN) at Bt49.25/share. Temasek borrowed Bt11bn from Siam Commercial Bank and another Bt14bn from Bangkok Bank to help finance the transaction. Look at the two charts below:

Since mid-November last year, SHIN has been in a quite big angle uptrend, this means that they are in a hurry to sell at a good price and complete the transfer as soon as possible. Now the price has broken the resistance at 47.75 (I guess it's an agreed price). BBL, SCB do not like the Singaporean to loose money borrowed from them. Temasek Holdings is a state-run investment agency of Singapore which does want to make money. Taksin's family still has 51% stake. Therefore four sides will join hands to punt up the stock. SHIN will most probably continue going up althought the price is in the high area. It's estimated SHIN most probable target is 50. Strategy: if the price can stay above the 47.75 support for 3 days or within the uptrend channel and you like, you can buy some with a stop at 47.25 or the lower line of the channel. Good luck. (updated on 24 Jan.06)
Kest: This stock has moved up over 60% since 6 Dec. 2005. If 33.5 is taken out, IP; if 31 is down broken, RP. It seems moving up again. IP with a stop at 28. (updated on 26 Jan. 06)
KSL: this stock has been moving very positively, over 100% up since trading. The Watcher, what a great call you made! Seeing is believing. Move LPP to 9.00. Good luck. But zorro said, phillip sec. recommended to sell ksl today: "A reduction in profit was due to lower-than expected-delivery. The drought has caused sugar price to increase, while production cost has also been adversely impacted. Despite higher sugar cane price, an increase in sales of raw sugar and higher production cost has caused gross profit margin to fall. Product price hike would be positive to performance but we see the news already discounted in the share price. As such, we rate "Reduce Position" on the stock. see also report from kelive from 3.1. It seems exited again. Move LPP to 10. ( updated on 26 Jan.06)
TPI: It seems that tpi is meeting some resistance. Look at the chart below and you'll see. Click the chart to enlarge.

CPF: Be cautious. Click chart to enlarge.

support is broken, suggest "RP". New support seems formed. IP with a stop at 5.65. (updated on 26 Jan. 06)
ITV: this stock seems in the resistance area. If it breaks down the support, "RP". Still in downtrend. (updated on 13 Jan. 06)
The daily turn-over has reduced and this is sure sign of a correction nearby. Would propose to stay on the side-line and buy on the dip.
Dear scrt4u,
Please correct the clock on this blog. Wonderful site. Keep up the excellent job. Thanks
learner, welcome to this blog. Here every thread (topic) could be a small forum ;) My views as follows:
Asp: still in uptrend. looking healthy. It seems resistance at 6.5. Move lpp to 5.30 or higher.
PICNI: moving horizontally. Be cautious, if it breaks 1.00, start to reduce some of your positions. When stablized, re-enter again to restore your positions.
NWR: Did your see ITD moved up alot? nwr will follow its suit if I'm not wrong. Looks quite charming. Move up lpp accordingly. Otherwise you just have the "lift experience" without making money. Try best to make full use of every "up".
Ohtohsan, welcome and thanks for your suggestions. I've already set the time to Bangkok time.
scrt4u, Re: NWR -
Please explain what you meant by "Otherwise you just have the "lift experience" without making money.
Please elaborate on "Try best to make full use of every "up". "
I have started accumulating NWR since 1.06 and bought additional this morning at 1.15
Ohtohsan, "Lift experience" is an experience of ups and downs. A lift can take you to the 10th floor directly, but sometimes on the half way up someone wants to go down to 3rd floor first, so you have to go down to the 3th floor together with him. If you exited the lift on the 5th floor first (lock profit)and get in again (re-enter market) when the lift is on 5th floor again. If not, you loose time, increase your "opportunity cost".
"Make full use of every up" means locking some profits whenever the up momentum is losing. When the down momentum is losing, get in again. The zigzag is streched straight and profit gap is widened.
Talking is easy but doing is quite difficult. Hope helful to you.
Thanks for the explaination scrt4u.
Got your meaning and agree 100% that easier said than done. But then again, you win some and lose some. DOMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA.
Ohtohsan, Your English is very good. Where did you leanr your English? USA or UK...? There are some small flags on the side bar. your Janpanese friends can click the flag to get a rough translation of the webpage into Janpanese.
Blah blah's question: Any comment on electronics sector? articularly CCET please.
scrt4u answer: electronics sector is in an uptrend. CCET seems forming a small "shoulder head pattern". If 3.80 broken, RP or exit.
Dear scrt4u,
Thanks for the comment on my English. Dropped out of high school and never had any tertiary education (honest). Will tell my Nippon friends of this blog.
Keep up the great work.
Believe more corrections to come.
Reduce position especially for stocks that went up rapidly since new year opening. Properties may have a little more room to rise north but believe the banks will move south prior moving up again.
Remember: BUY ON THE DIP.
Good luck
Ohtohsan, your advice is very good. This is just like 100 meter dash. You have to take a rest after a 100 meter dash because of short of breath. And then run again.
Your self-education is amazing.
NWR: move lpp to 1.10
Super: seems meeting resistance at 2;
GEN: set lpp at 0.7, res at 0.9-1.0
I can't set the date by individual comment. It's an unchangable formatting.
KTECH: it's nearing its 1st res. Beter "RP"
btc had a nice run today. more upside possible. could be a buy if it corrects the following day. cwt seems to stat a small run, if 5.75 is taken out. cooking? ms could make a big jump soon. use tight stoploss. tt&t looks interesting. who can predict the next resistance? seems to be far away. rsi overbought and volume at 1 year high, better to wait for a correction.
TT&T: now a little toppy in a ST Techie view. Better wait for correction. If it can stay above 3.5 for three days, get in and use tight stoploss.
CWT: looking more charming than BTC.
MS: looking very charming. Get in with a stop at 1.05
TRUE: uptrend channel is down broken. set your lpp at 10.5 If 10.5 breaks, RP.
MK: move lpp to 2.65. Enjoy.
Dear fans,
TRAF: Punta made this call. I just checked its chart. It has been cooking for some days. Almost ready for your service. I recommend "buy" with a stop at 1.15 ( be careful of the posssible shake out)
Good luck.
ITD: if you have ITD, reduce your positon.
please read and interpret the graph of CCET at the closing today for me
local institutions are net sellers again today . I wonder what are the reasons for the sell everyday since last year
do you know, please explain
time 6.07 pm
sillyfools - CCP is uptrend and in a macro view of the chart, it's at the valley area. Use 5DMA as stoploss. Good luck.
local institutions are net sellers. What are the reasons? I don't know. Maybe they are afraid of being trapped by the foreign...
Probably SET needs some correction.
To: learner and scrt4u - If all of us just care to start our message with a date as above, that's it.
On the cooking list... Please take a peek at UMI. Been cooking for several days and seems ready for another run.
Hope you agree with me on this.
Ohtohsan, There are two Thai Funds that are punting this stock. I "guess" they still have big positions in it. But they are quite tough, like the Thai boxing. Set lpp at 1.80 Good luck.
Ohtohsan and learner,
I've changed the timestamp formatting and set comment window as popup ones which seems easier and similar to the Seamico snakepit.
Excellent. Now we have the date and time of posting.
Thanks for the lpp on UMI.
scrt4u, UMI - Seems that we can move the LPP to 1.90 ?
By the way can you advise who are the "2 big funds" engaging in this boxing match? Thanks
Use 7 days moving average line as your lock profit points. You can move it yourself accordingly.
The two Thai Funds are 1)Thai Thaweetun Open Fund and 2)Bureaucracy Superannuation Fund
Any comment/ opinion on SOLAR please, thanks.
SOLAR: this stock is forming a flag pattern. Seems cooking, but it's no surprise if it shake out again. You can accumulate some with a stop at 8.80 Good luck.
some more stocks worth watching: ait, cmo and maybe match, if it can break the falling resistance line since 14th sept. 2005 (could be soon)
zorro - ait, cmo and match all seem cooking. I will check them further tomorrow.
Thanks scrt4u.
Hope all our fellow readers here made some handsome gains from UMI.
Now waiting for NWR's turn.
To scrt4u - Pls update on position of NWR. Hope a big Ang Pow is in the picture for coming Chinese New Year?
Also appreciate indication for TRAFF which I think is due for another run very soon.
scrt4u, do you think CPR has reversed its downtrend? Thanks for comment.
UMI: shot up today as you moved up lpp. Good job.
NWR: Because it down broke the support at 1.10, if today it wil not close above 1.10, "RP".
TRAF: still above support 1.17 safe.
CPR: in an uptrend channel, now near the lower line of the channel. If you like, you can buy some with a stop at 2.30 Good luck.
TGCI: Punta made this call. I checked the chart of TGCI which is looking very interesting. Its MACD keeps moving up, a good sign. It may shoot up anytime soon.
CRESH: Punta also made this call. Its MACD is up. If you like, you may buy some with a stop at 2.60. Good luck.
If you make profit on these two stocks, thank Punta. If you lose a little, you can badmouth me by voting against on the blog (near the end of the side bar)
Anyone know anything about ILINK?
ILINK: check its weekly chart, you can see it is in an uptrend. Set stop around 4.0
scrt4u, do you think ILINK will breakout?
lost, it's hard to say for sure ILINK would break out after reading the daily chart.
GRAND: If you have this stock, LOCK YOUR PROFIT today. Distributing pattern. Good profit in the last several days.
TRAF: It broke support, did you RP?
SAFARI: suggest "IP" with a stop at 3.0. Good luck.
TRAF: look at the intraday chart and you can see punters pocketed quite some around 1.12
how about discussing sector indices in this thread as well?
banking: look at a 5 year chart of bank versus set!it has been in a downchannel and broke out of this channel end of last year.
during the last 2 years the line fluctuatet in a horizontal manner and broke the resistance beginning of january 2006. now it retreated to the former resistance line which should become a support.
if it holds up the banking sector should outperform the set in the years to come.
property: look at a 3 year chart (or longer): connect the highs on beginning of april 2004 and february 2005. now draw a parallel line through the high of january 2004. you will see that the property sector has now reached this line. Should be some resistance there.
finance: looks similar to the property chart (2 -3 years). a closer look reveals that downtrend lines are located differently. using the same dates as used for property, the finance sector failed to break the first resistance line. property has made a new recent high while finance failed to do so.
zorro, you are right. We can discuss sectoral performance. Banking broke out its resistance channel. This means more money has flowed into this sector, probably it will fly? Even this is true, it will zig zag up. It still needs more time for the finance sector to break out?
MIDA: In your case, hold. If it breaks down 2.40, RP considerably.
JAS: RP although it's late. Better late than never.
MS: Use tight stop. If 1.09 support breaks, RP.
SC: I think I recommended this stock in Seamico's snakepit before this bolg was published. Taksin's family has very big postion in it.
SC is today's star although SET and many stocks are in red.
It's said that Taksin would like to sell this company to a Singaporean. They want sell it at a good price. This is said to be the reason that it shot up today.
1st resistance at 15.3
2nd resistance at 17.5
sc: next target 17.5
I'm afraid that there seems some channel upper line resistance around 2.5 and it has moved up from 2.0 in the last small cycle, 25% up. Better not enter now. But if you like, you have to use tight loss stop.
TYCN: looking better. If you enter now, set stop at 7.95. Good luck.
JAS is a good stock. Thai people especially like it. Since you have 60% heavyweight. If you reduced 20% when it broke 0.61, and re-entered at today, you would have made the zig-zag way to a straigt line, namely wider profit gap. History is our best teacher. Learn from experiences. One is never too old to learn. Me too.
LOXLEY: I recommended this stock b4 this blog birth. It keep moving up. Check its chart and you can see.
GOLD: if you have this stock, IP because it seems there is resistance at 10.5. The next restistance is around 11.5-12
loxley: move lpp to 3.1
GRAND: if you have this stock, move lpp to 2.25.
SAFE: move lpp to 37.
It broke its history high in past one year. If you like, you can try your luck. Enter with a stop at 8.5
still could hit n run for STPI & TYCN tdy..thx 4 adv
agreed with CSL, seems take off nextweek..also like VNG, what do u think on this one?
vng: looking warm up again. next res. around 6.5
I've been pounding the table on VNG (:-) {emoticon} and happy to see someone is listening. Srt4u, what's happened to Jas?
scrt4u: you have not had comments on BLAND for a while, need your ta comments, as to its 2006 major movement is that BLAND is going to sell its land approached by some foreign real estate developers as well as the Premier family group plus Khun Suriya Group, (Min. of Communication) The total sale could reach 8 billion baht. Besides, it is now working to raise a Property Fund lead by Kim Eng and Deutsche Bank, in other words, they will sell some of its assets such as IMPACT CHALLENGER to the Property Fund that would enable BLAND to reduce its liabilities by another 20 billion bahts this year. Do you know that there will be a MAJOR CHANGE in the real estate sector this year BECAUSE, the value of these properties are very cheap in the eyes of the foreigners. BH now belongs to the Singaporean
Your comments appreciated.
One of many reasons why many Thai stocks are cheap, because the accounting principles here do not agree to incoraporate the value of "good will" or some advertising cost as "investment" in their accounting system. This is the reason why BH is sold at 25 baht while its book value is only 3.19 baht. Stock investors/analysts never understand but when come to the real buyers/sellers, all these factors become major issue in the sale talk.
Any comment / forcast on coming week's market movement?
posted by Agawal
To whom it may be useful,
BLAND: this stock will be entering a resistance area. The next resistance is 0.71. If it can not take out this resistance or stay above 0.66 in the coming 3 days, better IP. Our principle is that: "If you are not making money for me, I fire you". Have I made myself understood? Maybe after your RP, it starts flying. It doesn't matter because you still have some remaining positions which will make some money for you.
BH: As you requested, I comment it as follows:
I recommended this stock when it was only 15. Laserjet knows my recommendations very well. Now it's over 100% up. If what you said (now BH belongs to the Singarporean) is true, BH will keep going up. The Singaporean is very smart businesman. If BH has no protetial to make more money for them, the Singaporean would not have become the real owner of BH. But it depends on what price area the Singaporean entered the stock, in other words, what is their cost?
In a TA perspective, last Friday BH moved down alot with big volume. What was the reason to have caused this to happen? I don't know.
It's said that there will be a big demonstration on 4 Feb. 06 in Thailand and the Chinese New Year is approaching. Singapore is also celebrating the Spring Festival if I'm not wrong. Many uncertern factors.
So better wait and see.
Don't worry that you miss the lower entry points. If the stock is really in an uptrend, you can enter at any point along the uptrend channel. The difference is only that you make less profit but for sure you make money.
SAFE: move lpp to 39.
from phillip techie today lunchtime:
traf: +Divergence is forming on the daily chart.If 1.05 holds and/or 1.08-1.09 is reached,the reversal is confirmed.Buy on dips. Support 1.06-1.05.
MS: it's still on our cooking list. It's looking fine. I could not see any clue that the punters have changed their punting plan. HOLD it. If 1.09 breaks, RP a little; if 1.06 breaks, RP more. If it goes up, there is a little resistance at 1.15. When it's taken out, next res. is around 1.25. Hope helpful.
JAS: it's normal that the punters do some shakeouts on the way up or during their accumulation to reduce the STers impact to the stability of the price or increase the retailer's cost.
Thanks for your info from Phillip techie. In my view, yestoday the 1.03 support could not be down broken for the second time, forming a double bottom. Reversal is confirmed, so IP.
But even it's confirmed, the punters can change their plan and do another shakeout if they like and it's not difficult.
SAFARI: it's still in good momentum. still busy cooking.
scrt4u: your comments on nsm please? could be a strong uptrendline since the alltime low. buy with stop if this line is broken (tomorrow close or intraday low <0.72)? thanks.
I'm afraid that NSM is forming a small "shoulder+head+shouder"; after the peak, every high is lower than the previous high; volume also look like a "S+H+S" pattern. It seems loosing momemtum. I think better wait and see some time.
possible. on the other hand it could perform a longterm reversal pattern: horizontal resistance line through september high / recent high and horizontal support line throug the august low. increase of volume is encouraging. anyway it is something that needs to be followed pretty close. just don't miss a breakout of the upper resistance line.
To Zorro- Traf is not too far away from negative equity. Do you really think this Co. has a chance to make a comeback? I can't find any brokers research.
susco looks a bit similar to nsm. although i don't like this stock, it could have big technical potential. could be now still in a downchannel since february 2005, now at resistance.
traf: just watching the technical side (as i do for many stocks). traf is not on my "regular watchlist", so i do not have a clue about fundamentals. remembered that there was a posting here when i saw the phillip recommendation. maybe somebody else can give some input?
zorro, what you guessed is possible. I 'guess' there would be some more "torturing the retailer" before "pig fly". Anyway, as long as you use a tigh stop and glue your eyes on the screen, you can enter in any trend.
TRAF: since last August,this stock has been traded in relative big volume. Why? Liquidity. When liquidity comes,it signals something. Punting plan is not allowed to be disclosed to the public. When bighands are accumulating a stock, it's more difficult to find a research report, especially free reports. Maybe I'm wrong.
SUSCO: On 19 Jan.06, it looked like a distribution. It also looks like a "M" pattern or "double peak". Be cautious.
Scrt4u still hold NWR @1.1, do u think RP or hold first with current price @1.05, how long u think I should keep b4 price move further up thx.
Ueda San
learner, I heard that Taksin family sold a lot of shares of SHIN but not SC. This probably means that they would still like to pull the price to a higher level. Maybe 20 - 30 something. Whoever would like to sell cheaply? It's only my guess, not reliable. The only real thing is price. Set your LPP at 16.40. If it looks closing below the LPP, RP; and re-enter when it's low. Otherwise sit together with the T family and enjoy bigger profit. Don't leave b4 they start leaving.
Ueda San,
your cost is 1.10, now your loss is about 4-5%. To be safe, you could reduce some postions so that you have some cash in hand. If the punter really smashes it below 1, you can use this rescue money to lower your cost. I think NWR will shoot up sooner or later. Your task is just keep lowering your cost like the punter. So you should not fully loaded at the moment.
0.98 is a critical support line. If 0.98 support is broken, Game over. You should exit and wait until the punters show you a new punting platform is being formed.
zorro. scrt4u, what do you think of TFD?
Please comment also on syntec.
Honkie, TFD has out broken its downtrend channel upper line. Good sign. You can consider IP or enter with a stop at 0.81
SYNTEC: on 20 Jan.06, it looked like a distribution. If 0.75 support breaks, RP. If 0.9 resistance is taken out, IP.
syntec: facing resistance at 0.9. not a good time to get in now as volume might have peaked. for longterm hold or buy on dips (could go back to 0.7 range).
tfd: thereis a major downtrend resistance since february 2005. still making lower highs and lower low. volume weak, i would stay away from it. if you own it, set stop at 0.8. closing above 0.96 would give a bullish picture.
hi scrt4u, similar views on tfd and syntec!!! except the tfd downtrend: i think the longterm downtrend is still intact (the intraday spikes might blurr the picture a bit) and there is a downchannel since last july.
one thing more for traf: look at the chart from 18th of july to 9th of august and compare it to the recent performance. copycat! if it continues to copy the performance, it will go down.....
sorry, did not mean traf in my last post, it should read tfd!!!
TFD: considering zorro's TA view, option 1, wait and see. Option 2, enter with a tight stop at 0.85.
BH: it's boiling again. enter with a stop at 30. Good luck!
scrt4u, zorro,
thanks lot for comment.
Any view on next few days market? Do you think Hemraj will move further up?
honkie, when your stock price is at low range, it's influenced very little by SET. If SET can take out the 802.19 resistance, it can go as high as it likes. Today the foreign bought more than sold.
Hemraj: Maybe the next resistance at 1.10. it's probably too late to enter this stock. too toppy!!!
I got in a earlier @ 0.91, but would like to have your opinion on it.
Thank you.
Your profit is 12%. In my view, Hemraj is in WAVE 3 (usually the last one), and the next probable resistance is 1.10. If you take your profit around 1.10, your profit will be about 20%, not bad. Maybe Thursday and Friday, the price can meet 1.10.
Now move your lpp to 1.0. If lpp is down broken, RP; if price gets near 1.10, take profit. Wave 3 is usually the riskiest wave of the cycle. Hope helpful to you.
Thank you for your comment.
CSL looking good?
hemraj: recommendation from eddy: sup. 0.8-0.9, res. 1.3-1.4
csl: got a little bit pushed by the shin-deal. euphoria could be over. i would use 25 day average as rp and 75 day avg as stop. resistance at 4 is strong, ip if broken. on a non-technical basis: csl is my isp and since 2 weeks i am getting kicked out frequently. could be my phone line as well. anyway i am not in a good mood about csl as i missed several good opportunities....
de: looks interesting. use rising support since november as stop.
hemraj: some typo above. support should read 0.9-0.95
to learner: you mentioned picni in the first post of this blog. scrt4u recommended to rp after 1 was broken which was a smart advise. there was a rebound from 0.78 (a former recent low) but it stays now below important averages (15, 25 and 50 day). be careful if you are still invested. could go down to 0.5 again if 0.78 is broken.
i believe picni wl back to 0.5-0.6 soon.
any comment for ilink, i heard one broker wl make it to 5.5
ilink: use 25 day average as stop. 4.5-4.6 could be possible, then we have to see
PICNI: if 0.78 support breaks, RP.
ILINK: move lpp to 4.20. Res around 4.70.
DE: if you like, you can enter with a stop at 0.64
PICNI: if 0.78 support breaks, RP.
ILINK: move lpp to 4.20. Res around 4.70.
DE: if you like, you can enter with a stop at 0.64
Scrt4u, what do you think about Mlink. Seems pretty hot to me. This thread now takes a long time to download. What about in 1 more week.:-(
The Watcher,
MLINK: It seems some res. around 3.24, I think better avoid it.
The Watcher, yestoday the server was down for matainance. you mean the home page is slow to load or the pop up window is slow to load? Is the side bar on the right hand side or under the content part?
MLINK has better fundamental supports than SC. Methinks, buyers of SC are only hope for it but without basic earnings warranty
Posted by Josephin
I have promoted your web blog on Snakepit because I feel very upset with posters there, I hope you can erase all nonsense posts here as I have encouraged all sensible posters to come here instead
You can read some of my promotion in the snakepit today.
Bye Bye
Thaksin's sister is owner of MLINK, I believe she wants a better price also, still very interesting to see.
To Anonymous - So is TRAF (belongs to the shin clan also). This has been cooking, boiling, simmering but never took off. We may see a take-off very soon.
Ohtohsan: I respect your comments but I prefer to punt MLINK. TRAF lacks some fundamental supports. MLINK is sole agent for NOKIA and MOTOROLLA and also a profitable company.
Today SC closed below its Opening price
Posted by Josephin
To Anonymous,
Thank you for promoting this blog which is one of the best. Now it is at top ranking in the Google search result if you use "free advices on thai stock". Visitors come from Thailand, Switzerland, USA, UK, Austria, Australia, Isreal, Malaysia, Korea, Canada, HK, Japan, etc...
watch TKS and TKS-W1,it´s coocking since weeks and today breaks up with some volume.
Also inter.SMM and NEP
Pau, you are right.
TKS and its warrant have been cooking for some time. SMM too.
NEP: has been on our cooking list for some time. It's recommended by zorro.
Scrt4u, Mlink has been slowly cooking since the beginning of Dec. and in the last week has been boiling. I'm surprised you haven't noticed it and equally surprised you have advised to avoid it. I agree with other posters that it's fundamentals are good and true value is above 4 bht. Do you still think Traf is a better choice?
Thaksin's sister, Wongsawat Family is the major owner of MLINK, she wants to follow her brother also, besides, the company is an exclusive agent for NOKIA and MOTOROLLA with sizeable volume, see Balance Sheets. Profits and EPS including TA, all warrant such a price movement.
Thank The Watcher and the Anonymous for your analysis. After your comments, I took a serious look at MLINK. This is a stock about twice big as SC. Wangsavad family has 28.60% stake in it. I just doubt why no fund is interested in this stock. Maybe PM's family hired some freelance individual profesional punters to do the punting job? Anything could happen. If its true value is 4, there will be about 30% room to go up. It's worth a try. OK, I will do some TA job for pister here.
Eddie of Seamy recommend with a target of 3.40
That's interesting because I just checked out the latest research at Seamico dated Jan 05/06 rating as a Buy with a fair value of 4.14... I wonder what Eddie thinks is a fair value for SC ?
Punting stock is a funny thing if timing is correct. The profit percentage is decided by many factors. The Watcher, as long as MLINK can go up 10%, your this stock pick is a good one.
Punting stock is a funny thing if timing is correct. The profit percentage is decided by many factors. The Watcher, as long as MLINK can go up 10%, your this stock pick is a good one.
Eddie recommends MLINK's first target at 3.40 but if it breaks, 4.40 is the next. He also recommended SC target at 21-22 now it is 22.40 after touching 24.- SC next stop could be at 25+
My risk tolerance does not permit me to entertain SC at this level. It is now near a 52 week high and a PE of 20. On the other hand Mlink's 52 week high is 4.26 so still has quite aways to go up which seems to me to be a much better proposition. It is trading at a PE of only 7.41 also. :-) The Watcher
AJ: seems warming up.
TRAF: broke support at 1.03. Exit tomorrow if it won't go above 1.03.
SMIT: warming up again.
MS: It's cooking well.
zorro, I'm considering cooking list No.2. Do you have any condidate stocks?
nothing new
candidate stocks for cooking list No.2:
Match, nwr, ms, mlink,umi, traf, safari...
We can add more in the month of Feb.
What's your opinion, zorro?
Cast an eye over BAFS, AITCO, SICCO
match: seems to be too low volume, maybe something for the pocketmoney, no looks more going down.
nwr: could see the typical shakeout but worth to hold longterm. now below 15 and 25 day avg.
ms: caught between 25 and 75 day avg, watch out for the next big move up or down.
mlink: crossover of 25 and 75 day avg at 2.54 should provide support.
umi: a difficult one, is there a downchannel since august? a case of lower high and (now coming) a lower low? volume a bit too low for bigger investments.
traf: still in downtrend, not cooking yet, no major reversal in sight.
safari: seems now to break the up-channel since december, todays bid volume at closing strong compare to offer.
bafs: buy on breakout, could take years to happen….
aitco: low volume, no clear trend
sicco: below 15 and 25 day avg, does not look good now but can change soon
Agree, but wasn't sure. All close to 200MAV but no other potential catalysts/signs.
CI: punta, CI is shooting up today. You great call.
Money has been flowing in property sector.
Scrt4u, when did Punta mention CI ? It reminded me of the US Challenger many years ago. Took off nicely but just as it was nearing the stratosphere it blew up and came down in a similar path. :o) It looks like Mlink is back in the limelight again.
The Watcher, Punta mentioned CI on
Friday,January 13, 2006 4:30:45 PM
CI finally woked up. The link that contains his call is
After his post, I checked the chart and I agreed with his view.
Scrt4u- Wow, what a memory.:-)
The Watcher, Punta's posts are worth reading.
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