Cooking list of Stocks - No.1 2006
Here is the cooking list No.1 for the year of 2006:
MLINK: It seems that this stock is becoming hot. The Watcher and someone else drew my attention to it and after took a serious look, I put it in this cooking list. This company is an exclusive agent for NOKIA and MOTOROLLA with sizeable volume. Profits and EPS looking good. PM's sister, Wongsawat Family is the major owner of MLINK, she has 28.60% stake in it. It's said that she'd like to follow the suit as SC. Looking interesting. Let wait and see. Look at two charts below. The price broke the uptrend channel on 23 Jan.06. Suggest enter with a stop at 2.75. If it can take out 3.25, target 4 is reachable. Good luck. (updated on 28 Jan. 06)

SOLAR: This stock is looking interesting. Suggest "Accumulate some with a stop at 8.80" . Did you cut loss today ? Probably it's a shakeout before "a pig fly"?! (updated on 18 Jan. 06)
MS: looking very charming, IP and set stop at 1.08 (updated on 23 Jan.06)
ATC: In an uptrend and moving up along 7 DMA. If you have it, use 7 DMA as stop. Exited. (updated on 18 Jan.)
NWR: Did you see ITD flying? nwr will most probably follow suit. In a TA view, it has broken a herizontal channel and also broken the downtrend channel. Since July 2005, it has never broken down the support at 0.98. We suggest buy. Now take a macro view, it's still within the horizotal channel, you should IP in the past several days. It's now is still in downtrend (updated on 23 Jan. 06) Take a macro and micro view at the charts as follows. Click the charts to enlarge:

Delta: This stock has been moving healthily since late last October 2005. Move LPP to 17.40. Exited and still waiting for re-entry point (updated on 23 Jan 06)
Samco: This stock has been punted up by two Thai funds. I suggested a "RP"(RP=reduce position) after a seemingly distribution, then I suggested a "IP"(IP=Increase positions) . Now move lpp to 2.92. It has move up about 35% since our recommendation. Not bad. The Thai Fund punting up this stock is relative retailer-friendly. It seemingly does not shake out violently. The price has been moving by many small steps, namely "up a little daily" so to reduce the day trader's impact. Be cautious. It broke 7DMA. Move LPP to 2.95. If this LPP is broken, RP. (updated on 23 Jan. 06)

MIDA: This stock was recommended when its price was about 2.10, it has been moving up positively. There seems some resistance around 2.9-3.0. Now fact has proved that my resistance area is right. If you lock your profit near the resistance area, you are smiling now. Now it's nearing the resistance area again, most probably it can up break it. If not, RP again.(updated on 23 Jan.)
SPL: This stock have very strong support at 30.50 for over one year. I recommended it at its yearly low. It's been moving positively. Now move up your LPP (lock profit point) to 34.00 Exited and waiting for re-entry. (updated on 23 Jan.)
EASON: This stock looks cooking. Recommended by zorro. Keep an eye on it. If you like, accumulate bit by bit with a stop at 2.60. Exited and waiting for re-entry. Take small position with a stop at 2.50. Good luck. (updated on 23 Jan. 06)
NOBLE: Shooting up in the last several days. This stock was on our cooking list for long time. If you re-entered last year, you're smiling now. Move up LPP to 4.18. Good luck. Exited and waiting for re-entry. Accumulate small position with a stop at 4.00 (updated on 23 Jan. 06)
JAS: It's been on our cooking list for long. Move up LPP to 0.61. Exited and waiting for re-entry. Re-enter with a stop at 0.49 (updatdated 23 Jan.06)
Q-CON: this stock looking warming up again. We recommended it when it's below 2.75, move your lpp at 3.00 Exited. (updated on 19 Jan. 06).
NEP and Nep-w1: This stock and its warrant are recommended by zorro. They are here because of long term bottom pick. (updated on 19 Jan.)
SEAFCO: Seems cooking. You may buy with a stop at 3.65 Move lpp up to 3. 70 Exited and get ready to re-enter. Re-entered with a stop at 3.84 (updated on 23 Jan. 06)
Very important: Remember, never allow your loss to exceed 10%.
We'll add more...
Happy stock trading.
scrt4u & zorro
notaclue's question: (Monday,
January 9, 2006 09:39:55 AM)
scrt4u, can you please indicate either exit points or a time period for holding TPI and MIDA?
scrt4u's answer:
MIDA has been on our cooking list for some time. Its resistance seems around 2.90-3.00
TPI: 8.85 seems a channel resistant line. If it can not take out or down breaks 8.5, reduce your position.
Dear Scrt4u
I am a big fan from the Snakepit. Best of luck on this site. Look forward to making some pocket money.
Thanks for putting in the effort.
Dear Rossi,
Your name is very nice and early-friendly.
I build this blog because I can't upload charts in the Snakepit. Sometimes a chart is clearer than thousands of words.
Happy trading.
Hi pupil, welcome to this blog.
I've already started a thread for discussion of your stocks - TPI,CPF and ITV.
starting to dig out some stocks that could outperform shortterm: eason, jas, ms, q-con, ssi and for long-term bottom pick: nep / nep-w1.
more to come as there are plenty around.
ok, some more: ai, atc, acl, n-park, pong and with some questionmarks (maybe for longterm holders) pap and seafco (seafco could have seen the typical "shakeout" before the reversal starts,as seen with delta and so many other stocks. as usual these picks are pure on a technical basis.
zorro, I've added your name at the end of the cooking list. If you don't like it, tell me and I will remove it.
I've also added the stocks you recommended.
Thanks for your contributions.
you can keep my name on the list. if you think that one of my picks should not be on the cooking list, please feel free to exclude it from the list, but i would appreciate it, if you could give a resaon, because it might influence my buying decision. thanks.
Good work scrt4u, looking forward to more advice from you & zorro. Most important though is hopefully I can pick up some analysing skill from you guys too.
Please kindly advice on KSL, thanks.
Hi Lost, welcome to this stock blog. I'll comment on KSL, I think it's been promoted by The Watcher.
phillip sec. recommended to sell ksl today: "A reduction in profit was due to lower-thanexpected
- The drought has caused sugar price to increase, while production cost has also been adversely impacted.
- Despite higher sugar cane price, an increase in sales of raw sugar and higher production cost has caused gross profit margin to fall.
- Product price hike would be positive to performance but we see the news already discounted in the share price. As such, we rate “Reduce” on the stock."
see also report from kelive from 3.1.
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lost and zorro, I've added your comments in "Discussion of other stocks"
hmmm, wonder when nwr will start flying again. seems to start another uptrend. cooking? bland could make a quick jump if >0.66. something for daytraders.
zorro, ITD is flying. I blindly "guess" that NWR will folowing before Chinese New Year.
scrt4u, please comment on GBX, any chance it'd go up soon?
lost, GBX has not broken up the downtrend channel. I cannot see any trend changing clue.
Got in on NWR @ 1.12 today, is it too late?
lost, if I'm not wrong, it is not late to get in NWR.
Thanks for your comment scrt4u, I also got in on some Hemaraj, reasonable choice, I hope.
Q-CON: this stock started moving. Have you got in, Dear fans of scrt4u?
JAS: Look at JAS. It's flying. If you listened to my advice. You are smiling now. :)
SAMCO: It's being up by the two Thai funds. move up lpp to 2.84. Thai funds, royal family will be very happy with your good job.
MIDA: going up very well. We told you to get in at its lowest price area, didn't we? It'll meet some resistance around 3.
AJ: this stock has broken up a uptrend channel. It means it will most probably speed up the runup. Maybe I'm not wrong.
Please advise about BLAND and JAS also RCL
SC: this stock started shooting up. It's said Taksin's family has big position in it. I've checked the chart. Looking warming up. today it broke out the uptrend channel, will fly. Maybe I'm wrong.
notaclue, my views as follows:
When I say some resistance around a price, I mean you'd better regulate your postion or exit; and restore your position or buy back when it touches a relative bottom.
For example, you should reduce a little of your postion when Mida's price is nearing 3. If you check its weekly chart, you can see it could not be lower. It's too low. The only way is up,up,up. Who pays the bills? Those who bought at 32.
TPI: I've uploaded a chart under the thread "Discussion of Other Stocks", you can take a look at it. TPI now is meeting resistance (see the arrow in the chart). Its first attack failed, today it moveed up again toward the resitance line. If it fails, I advise you "RP". And reload when it's near the lower line.
BBL: If its price can stay above 115, hold it. I guess this time the hugehands will most probably punt it up to 140 which is longtime talked. Most people ignore it because it's talked too much. Who know they won't gibve you a suprise. It's only my "guess"
SATTEL: this stock just up broke its downtrend channel resistance, probably going up. But on the way up there ae many resistances. You decide.
Hope helpful to you.
Bland: Still in the uptrend channel. Now it's meeting channel res. If it can't break 0.71, RP.
JAS: I've been a promoter of this stock. you can make money on it for sure. move lpp to 0.55.
RCL: Every low is lower than the previous low. Every high is lower than the previous high. They need to take a rest b4 a new jouney up.
Be very careful with brokers pushing TPI or saying it is cheap. DON'T trust them. A girlfriend lost Bt25m listening to some idiot or dishonest broker about how it was now 'cheap'. What is actually done is it is run up and allowed to settle down a bit and that is where the offloading is done.
I am not saying don't punt TPI if that is your kind of game, I am just saying I am very suspicious of broker advice on this stock. I don't think it is you they are working for.
notaclue, we don't badmouth others but say we can do better, and all our service is free of charge.
Tell your girlfriend to visit this blog. I'm sure she won't lose million of bahts again.
CSL: We have recommended this stock. Look at the chart. In the past several days it moved up, now is nearing the resistance around 4.0. Please regulate your position. Happy trading.
I have come to the conclusion that having too many stocks in my port limits the ability to manage them effectively. Unless you are prepared to just close your eyes and have enough faith that the market will continue to hum along. That said I was quite ticked off to see that TUCC which was one of my fav. zoom up 15% and then finish the day -7%. Time to reduce my port?
The Watcher, you should IP at 13:45 around 5.20. Look @ the intraday chart and you can see it.
If you use 5DMA, you should RP when price down broke 4.60.
CEI: wait and see.
TPI: 7.75-8.0 maybe a possible re-entry point. Wait & see.
SAMCO: Move LPP to 2.93. Enjoy your trip up.
Solar: keep accumulate this stock. It's cooking nicely.
MS: its MACD is up, IP with a stop between 1.07-1.09
Take a peek at syntec.
Has been on the launching pad and countdown already started.
Should be taking off very soon.
Good luck.
Yes, SYNTEC is ready to shoot up. Its "OBV" is charming. Good luck.
scrt4u: how are you going to update the cooking list? will you post if a lpp is broken and then later (maybe after 2-4 weeks remove the post? or move it into another section so that we can keep a track record?
let's take nwr for example: there is no lpp posted on the main page (which would be convenient) but it is mentionened in the comments of the other stock section.
it is difficult to follow the comments of a specific stock if the comment list is getting longer and longer.
will nwr now be removed from the list? take your time and think about the best and easiest way.
btw, nwr might still have a small chance of an uptrend if the rising support line starting from beginning of december remains intact.
atc has broken the 7 dma, noble and jas have broken lpp.
zorro, I think we can post Cooking list series monthly, namely, list no 1 on Jan; list no 2 in Feb, list no 3 in March. Every list will be posted in a new thread. The previous lists will be archived automatically.
We can do the same to the thread "Discussion of other stocks" when it's too long.
As to LPP, I think it's up the the shareholder themselves whether or not to execute the action. For example when the price breaks down the LPP, the shareholder should reduce position or exit. If I update all these details, it's too time-consuming for me or you, not pratical. We should keep it as simple as possible; we should keep it as workable as possible. That is why I blog the cooking lists, which is actually "no brain punting strategies". Less is more.
Actually after RP, you should consider when or what price to re-enter or IP (increase postion). If you exit, you should keep moving down your LPP(lock postion point). This is the first time I intruduce the concept of "Keep moving down the LOCKING POSITION POINT". Oh, my god, I disclose all my real secret weapons bit by bit to the public. If you are smart, you understand what I mean. Stop, stop...
SAMCO: Be cautious. Move LPP to 2.95.
SPL: If support 34 breaks, RP.
scrt4u - I reduced position on NWR after your recommendation when it could not close above 1.10
Reduces further today at 1.07
Do you think I should completely cut loss at 1.05 and wait for the next turn-around or hold on to the balance?
My average cost was 1.15.
By the way, excellent call on SC.
scrt4u, hv'g same concern as Ohtohsan, ave 1.12, should cut all? Thanks for opinion.
there is a chance that nwr will have a shakeout or make a new low. the chart is a bit similar to emc between july and november. i think that there are better opportunities to make some money.
According to the priciple of "never allow loss to exceed 10%", zorro's opinion is worth our attention, the Chinese New Year is approaching, punters from HK,TW,Singapore, etc would probably reduce their positions for a relaxed holiday. If you keep the postion, you don't have the final say on your money. So Cut all if it keep going down.
Your loss is only 5%. If your remaining postion is not big, you can hold a little longer. You can set your stop at 1.02
Thanks guy for your comment. BTW, anyone has any idea what has happened with GBX / SOLAR?
SOLAR: Maybe it's the final shake-out before "a pig fly". Maybe a new low. Who knows? You can take some position with a 7.5
SC: vow, keeps shooting up. The rumor is not rumor. Pay attention to the resistance area. Check up the chart I uploaded. Happy trading.
Think CPR is worth keeping a close eye on at this point?
CPR is probably moving up. If you like, enter with a stop at 2.1
SC: move lpp to 15.4 Enjoy.
TRAF: if price seems to be close above 1.08, IP. After entry, set your stop at 1.05. Good luck.
CSL: seems warming up. Did you see LOXLEY fly? Maybe CSL will too. Don't forget I am often deafted by Mr. Market.
EASON: IP and set stop at 2.5
SC: It's said that the punters of this stock will pull up the price and then transfer the stocks to the Singaporean. In doing so they can avoid tax. In exchange thailand invest in a project in Singapore with the money from the stock transfer. Game is not over. Wait and see.
We've updated LPP, etc. today (23 Jan.06)
SC: move lpp to 16.40 Enjoy.
SC: It took out the previous high, now the sky is the limit. Move lpp to 18. Enjoy.
Those listened to us are smiling now. If you are happy, don't forget to rank us by casting a vote.
IP or re-enter with a stop at 17.10
Good luck.
SC: Vow, big up today. Move LPP to 19.30. Enjoy.
Scrt4u, do you still think SC still has room to move up and is not looking a little over bought now?
The Watcher,
My friends told me that PM's two daughters own a lot of this stock b4 it shoot up. I think it can go higher because the punter does the opposite way of the retailer's thinking. looking too high, they pull it higher. First time, you don't believe. Send time, you still don't believe. The 3rd time, you believe and jump in. They trap you at the highest price area at the said 3rd time. Today's volume almost doubled. The deciding factor is whether they have finished distribution of most of their positions. If yes, over bought; if not, not over bought. The RSI is too academic sometimes. This is one of the reasons why most of us miss the best horse.
I've moved LPP to 19.30.
You didn't take any postion? It depends on yourself. If you enter now, you have to use very tigh stop. Good luck.
notaclue, on question of warrants, better ask zorro to answer your question. My update did not factor in the warrant.
Vow, this stock is up over 100%. Move LPP to 21. Enjoy !!! (:D
SAMCO: move lpp to 3.0
ATC: seems warming up again. Keep an eye on it.
NWR: IP with a stop at 1.04
delta: already broke downtrend channel, good sign.
EASON: Continue your IP.
NOBLE: continue IP.
SEAFCO: Now it proved that our re-entry on 23 Jan. was correct. Now move lpp to 4.0.
should we give emc a chance? triple bottom! for stop use the slight increasing support line now at 2.1 and increase day by day accordingly.
atc seems rather cooling down, possible rebound at 25-26 for st-play. could be a falling knife same as shipping.
SC: move up lpp to 22.60 Enjoy (:D
I agree with your EMC pick. Enter with a stop at 2.10
EASON: move lpp to 2.70 Enjoy (:D
SEAFCO: move lpp to 4.18. Enjoy.
DELTA: move lpp to 18.
SC: If you locked your profit last Friday, you are smiling now.
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