Stocks discussion No.5 - 2013

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Welcome to "Stocks discussion No.5 - 2013". Please post your questions or stock picks here.
i sold all TPOLY and AI so bht157k profit in the bank,good start to the month and now concentrating on blue chips that are underperforming such as BANPU AND PTT,PTTGC and KSL,buying now as dont expect much upside yet apart from PTT as the main share holders are buying in til the end of august-september,so that means ime paying the same price as them and they the stocks will be held back til there done,like i said many times b4,if its good enough for them,then its good enough for me .) thats my picks for year end and beyond
PAE: interesting! If you try your luck, use tight loss stop.
PTT: VAYUPAK funds will probably join hands with the Ministry of Finance and other bighands...
THAI: bighands gathering in it. good luck!
PTT, Shinawatra family just bought 5 per cent and normally they are inpatient,so that one ,i think will move faster,PTTGC, dont know who is buying into that but for sure beleive in this one,THAI,bought at ita low and for once checked the charts and beleive this should go go to 40-70bht and i wil be a seller somewher in between.I mention my profits as i only sell when i have profits and self happy that i have out performed the markrt and all the mkt makers (brokers ) single handily.sure i some in te red but only add to them on weakness,this next 2 months would normally b a good time to add anywhere in the world but im pretty well fully invested with a reserve tank to buy more on strong dips .)
Cimbt, anyone can confirm it has formed a triple bottom @ 2.32bht?
Any thoughts on CSP?
I asked last month before entering, fair profit so far, seems to be going strong.
dont know about CSPbuthope CIMBT havehit the bottom as i have quite a large amount of those at even par.
My tip for the top over the next 12 nmonths is KSL,keep chipping away at the same price as the directers,fingers crossed .)
Can you have stop losses of your stocks?
of course you can but i always buy more if tey drop as that way sooner or later you will beat off the beast (the market makers ,which are infact the brokers)otherwise you are handing your deck of cards over to them,and guess whos the loser and who is the winner there,correct,not you .)
Cimbt gone case?
buying time guys,dont be shy now .)
i just love buying opps ,)
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